Yandere Drider

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This was requested by ProjectZeroWolf! As always thank you for the request!

"Alright campers, are we ready?" Finishing backing up, you grinned over towards the other hikers and your guide. It's a fun little jungle excursion that you wanted to take to escape the real world. Your guide being a drider named Elijah and a couple of the hikers being of a different species as well. Between the four people of the group, you were the only human. There was a naga, a fairy, and an elf. Though you hadn't talked to them often, they seemed like good people and Elijah is definitely helpful. Pointing out different animals and keeping you all safe from the dangerous creatures.

"Elijah, how much further to the waterfall?" You asked, as he helped you pull your bag on. When he didn't answer, you turned to him. Finding him looking towards the surrounding jungle with worry. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out something was up.

"Hey, what is it?" 

"Someone has been following us." He murmured, "and I know who it is."

"You mean someone trying to get a free excursion?" You questioned, earning a head shake from him. 

"No, It's someone, who came last night demanding something from me that I can't give." He sighed, then noticed your horrified expression, "Don't worry. I managed to chase him off, but I think he's still going to approach us sometime today."

"Is he dangerous?" You questioned, still concerned. 

"Uh, no."  he hummed, but you caught his pause.

"You hesitated." You pointed out, "Is this something we should be worried about?"

"(Y/N), I have protected you all this far. I can handle this one." He assured you, "Alright everyone, we're off."

That didn't calm your nerves. Glancing towards the jungle, you tried to shrug off the chill and followed the group. Keeping close to someone at all times, until you all came to a large ravine.

"Okay everyone, this tree is the only way across." Elijah called, already crawling across it, "One at a time across. Be careful."

Figuring that it would be safer if you went last, you patiently waited for your turn. When it was your turn, you carefully made your way across. Slipping a couple of times, but the others encouraging you to make it across, calmed you down. That was until their cheers of encouragement turned into cries of warning. 

Pure panic on Elijah's face as he reached out as far as his legs and arms would let him. Trying to reach out to you without getting on the tree, that would break under the weight of you both. Confused turned to see what they were screaming about. When something wrapped around you, there was barely a moment to see that it was a spider web, before it pulled you back into the jungle. A scream tearing from your throat, until you were suddenly stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around you.

"I finally have you." Looking up at the laughing voice, you froze at the crazy look in the drider's eyes. He was certainly big enough to kill you and from the way he has you, it would be easy for him.

"Liam, give, (Y/N), back." Turning your head, you saw an angry, Elijah jumping out from the bushes.

"No." The drider, you now know as Liam, growled, " For three days I've tried to get this one and you insisted that I've lost my mind. Well, I am anything but insane. I love (Y/N)."

"You don't even know this little human." Elijah growled. You wanted to snap at him, but decided that it would be best to just keep your mouth shut.

"I know all I need to." Liam hissed, "I'm taking them back to my new home. You will be more than welcome, brother, if you can find it."

"Brother?" You couldn't stop from speaking out in surprise, earning both of their attention.

"You didn't even tell any of them that I was around? (Y/N) didn't even know I was there or who I am?" Liam screamed, tightening his arms painfully around you, "Well, now we know who the real threat is. The one who lies and denies his own brother."

"Okay so, I can tell that there are a lot of hurt feelings between you two." You couched, hoping to sneak away by pushing away from Liam, "So, I'm just going to back off and let you two talk it out."

"Absolutely not." Liam grunted, spinning you. Though you could feel his web encasing you like a sleeping bag. Even picking you up, like a bride, before running off. You could barely see anything besides the green blur of the jungle and him. That was until he was crawling through a tunnel to a large cavern that was full of webs.

"Seems we got away easily enough." He sighed, before smiling down at you. Still a faint crazy look in his eyes.

"What are you going to do with me now?" You questioned, trying to move your arms to some how break free of the web, it didn't work though. He pursed his lips as if to think before a grin appeared on his face.

"Cuddling sounds good to me." He hummed, climbing up to a web, then lying on his back. Arms keeping you tightly to him and his spider legs folding over you like a cage. It reminded you of when you kill a spider on it's back. You had to admit it was a little comfortable, but this is not how you want to spend your time. Finding a way to let him go would be better.

"I'll check over here." The voice was faint, but you knew it was the naga's voice.

"Seems we have some company." Liam growled, but didn't bother to get up. Instead, he closed his eyes like he was going to take a nap. Only covering your mouth with his hands. 

It didn't take long before you heard the naga slither in. His eyes widening when he saw you. Before he could open his mouth though, he was stabbed by one of Liam's legs. Instantly collapsing to the ground, dead. 

"Now that the nuisance is gone, we can relax now." He yawned, "If anyone comes in I'll kill them."

Now that scared you, "What about if it's your brother? You wouldn't kill your own brother would you?"

"If he tried to take you from me." He chuckled like it was like an obvious answer for him, "Now go to sleep. I'll hunt for you after a nap."

A nap, great, you were going to be stuck here for a while, then.

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