Yandere Werewolf Pack: Boris

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Quickly changing clothes, you turned into a wolf and ran to the arena. Feeling your jaw drop when you saw the four wolves fighting. Noticing that they were mostly trying to take Boris down. Considering he's probably the strongest of the three that's a good strategy, but this needs to end.

"That's enough." You barked, making everyone freeze and turn to you. Though the four wolves didn't seem to hear you. Heading down to them. You grabbed Boris by the ear with your teeth and started to pull him away. Earning whimpers from him, but it got them all to stop.

"When I said that enough, I mean that's enough." You growled, finally letting him go, "I'm disappointed in all of you. Instead of acting like civilized werewolves, you resorted to the old ways. If this had continued then there would be no guarantee that I would choose the survivor as my mate."

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Lowell apologized bowing his head, "I tried to stop it, but these barbarians don't realize that I can give you the best life."

"Best life? You mean locking her in a golden cage or on a luxury boat in the middle of the ocean, just to have our alpha to yourself?" Boris growled, ready to lunge at Lowell, but you blocked him with a glare. Making him back down with his tail between is legs.

"I've already made my decision." You declared, each one perking up. Very faintly, you could see their tails wagging in excitement. Though you knew three of them were going to be very disappointed.

"In the mean time, each one of you are going to get a stern lecture from our alpha." You declared making each of them whimper in fear. You didn't blame them. Being the Alpha's child, you had more than you fair share of lectures from you dad.

Leading them all back to the town, you turned back to a human so the born humans wouldn't get suspicious

"Mom, Dad I'm back with company." You called turning to the four boys, "Sit in the living room."

They all obeyed as you went to the kitchen. Your parents were sitting down and having breakfast. With how fast you ran to the arena you didn't even get any breakfast.

"Those boys are in there for a lecture on pack teamwork." You sighed, sitting at the table as your mom set a plate of eggs, bacon, and waffles in front of you, "Oh and I'm going to need to see Boris when you're done."

"Boris?" Your dad frowned like he didn't understand before his eyes widened with a knowing smirk, "Oh Boris, hm?"

"Don't act surprise. You and mom put all this together for me to find a mate." You pointed out while rolling your eyes. Hearing his laugh as he left, you started eating. Trying to ignore your mom's smirk as she seemed to watch you.

"So, why big, buff Boris?" She chirped, making you choke on the juice you were drinking.

"Oh my gosh, you and dad both." You sighed, but knew there was no way she was going to give up, " He's a good fighter and will encourage me into a leading role as an alpha and a Luna."

"Right." She nodded, "It probably helps that he looks like he could bench press your father with ease."

Feeling your face burn with embarrassment, you tried to drink more, to hide it. If that's not a definition of a parent's action, you don't know what is. Looking over as you heard your dad come back in, you nodded to Boris who came in after him.

"You, uh, you wanted to see me (Y/N)?" he almost sounded nervous, which you never thought you would hear from him.

"Yeah, take a seat and have some breakfast. You'll be joining us a lot more after all." You hummed, offering him a smile as he sat by you to comfort him. He only seemed confused though.

"I will be?" He asked as if he wasn't really sure.

"Yes," Figuring that you would have to tell him directly, you tried to keep your embarrassment down, "If you're going to be my mate, I would think you would be around more."

Glancing over at him, you paused when you saw how him suddenly give you a wide grin as he grabbed your hand.

"You really mean it? You're choosing me?" 

"I am." You repeated before yelping as he pulled you from the chair, picked you up, and started spinning you.

"Yes, my mate." He cheered, stopping his spinning only to pepper your face with kisses, " I almost can't believe it."

"Well, believe it." You chuckled, "You could put me down now."

"Nope, I don't feel like it." He laughed, sitting back in the chair and setting you in his lap, "I'm to happy knowing you're going to be my mate."

"My too. Though the others are going to be disappointed." You hummed, turning to look at him, when his grip around your waist tightened slightly.

"I don't care. You're mine now. If they want you, they'll have to fight me for you." He huffed, "I don't think I want to ever let you go."

"Never too you for the romantic type, Boris." Hearing your mother's giggle, you remembered that your parents were also in the kitchen. Both of them having seen the whole display of affection.

"Only for (Y/N)." He hummed resting his chin on your shoulder, " I plan on being with them for as often as I can. From dragging them to my games, to sparing with them in the arena. I have to make sure to keep the others away after all."

Grinning at his words, you kissed his cheek and laughed as his cheeks started to turn red. Having him for a mate is going to be a lot more fun than you thought.

"Well, then," He hummed with a grin still on his face, "I'll say, I'm excited to the marriage ritual next summer, after school."

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