Yandere Drider

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The reader has butterfly wings in this one, any color you want. Also, guys, if you want a third part to anything here, let me know, because I'm finding a few but probably missing more. Also, requests will be open, but please request either by either messaging me directly or in one of the request chapters, so I can find you and mention you. Thank you and enjoy!

"(Y/N), we caught him!" Looking up as your eldest brother, Alex, cheered, making you raise an eyebrow at him.

The three of them are considered the heroes of your city. They have their natural born talents, but you provide them with their equipment and help plan traps for the villains. They insist you do that considering they don't want you in the public eye. Not that you're complaining, considering, you actually like flying home without being swarmed by their fans or a villain's minions.

Grabbing your clipboard, you flew after him out of your lab and library, "Which villain is it?"

"Geometricus." He answered, as you entered the holding cells. 

Looking towards your other brothers, you saw they were glaring in one of the cells. Your middle older brother, Ben, slamming his fist against it, creating a dent because of his super strength. While Ben has his strength, Alex has super speed, and Curtis is able to copy the look and sound of anything. It was more of a pain when you all were younger, but now it's gotten better.

"Hey, don't destroy my cages." You ordered, pushing him back, "I don't want to be responsible if he escapes because of your recklessness. Now onto the villain."

Turning to the cage, you froze as you saw the red eyes glowing at you from the shadows. You'll have to remember to put lights in these at some point. The villain, thankfully moved into the light with a grin that revealed his fangs.

"Well, hello gorgeous." He almost seemed to purr, "Where have these losers been hiding you?"

"Watch was you say to our little sibling." Ben snapped, making the villain hum in interest as his four eyes never left you.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you couldn't help but look him over. He definitely looked like a villain, but there was no way he should make it look as good as he did. He was clearly fit, but his skin was almost sickly grey while his spider half was brown. His four clawed hands matching his spider half color. The only off color was his black, long hair that reminded you of black spider silk. He knew you were looking at him, because he then smirked at you with a wink, making you immediately look down at your clipboard to hide.

"Geometricus, which was he again?" You sighed, searching your papers, with your brothers looking over your shoulder.

"Well, I think the first time we told you about him was when he was trying to get the poison from black widow spiders to put in the water system, but mixed something in it to create a cure of muscle pulls in wings." Curtis explained, pointing to the paper as you came across it.

"Oh, that one." You hummed, trying to keep your smile off your face as you heard the drider groan.

"Of all the times we fought, that's the one you tell to make people remember me?" He complained, as you pressed your lips together to keep from laughing, as an argument started.

You decided to let them talk while you wrote down basic information about this villain. One of the major ones being the kind of drider he was, a Latrodectus, Geometricus or a Brown Widow spider. That would explain his villain's name, so you'll have to figure out his real name later.

"Alright boys, that's enough." You called, stepped between them and the cage, "If I recall, you all have plans for the evening. Go do that, while I get his convictions in order."

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