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This was requested by NightFERAL! Enjoy! The reader is an Ice Phoenix in this one.

Flying as fast as your wings could take you, you felt a little bit of relief when you saw the glaciers over the ocean. By now the guards know you've escaped. You're sure they can still see the blue fire of your wings. You just want some time to yourself. Some time to answer whatever has been calling you this way. Almost like an imaginary force, pulling you this way. Flying along the glaciers, you gasped at the castle. It was old and looked abandoned. You could hide there for a while.

Landing, you quickly changed into your human form. Running inside and shutting the large doors. Glancing around the castle, you saw that there were several holes in the ceiling to light the place. Walking along, you kept a blue flame on your hands. Your eyes widening when you saw a large golden-brown feather on the ground. It almost looked like an eagle feather, but you've never seen an eagle feather that was nearly the length of your arm. Keeping a hold of it, you flinched when a shadow passed over the broken ceiling above you. Turning to look, you didn't see anything except the full moon and a large tower. Something was telling you to go outside though.

Turning into your phoenix form, you flew through the hole in the roof. Landing on the large balcony, you looked around cautiously. Letting out a breath to calm down. The view helped a lot. The full moon over the dark ocean. Pieces of ice emerging from the sea seemed to glow due to the moonlight. Feeling the pull again, you reached out towards the sea. A large shadow appeared, blocking your view. You barely had a second to step back as some of the balcony crumbled away as the creature crushed against it. In your phoenix form you easily stand nearly eight feet tall. As a human you're the average height. This creature dwarfs you though. It's body almost looked like a lion, but the head and wings were of an eagle. A legendary Griffin. Accidentally squawking in fear, your wings flapped as you backed into the tower. Feeling the tower tilted as it landed on the balcony.

It's blue eyes watching you in obvious curiosity. It didn't move to grab you though. Now calmer, you slowly approached it.  Hesitantly touching its large beak with yours. Your eyes widening as the spark of red. You've never seen that in the centuries you've been alive, but you were a prisoner for most of those centuries. Turning human, you hesitantly touched its beak again.  Feeling and seeing the red magic go up your arm and cover its beak. It was like gaining more magic, but the magic was unfamiliar. Maybe it's the Griffin's magic. Stepping back as the Griffin started to change, your eyes widened at the almost human man in front of you. Even as a human he must have stood at least seven feet tall.

He simply blinked at you with his head tilted in curiosity. Well, there's no point in being rude. Introductions are needed.

"I'm (Y/N)." You greeted, frowning when he didn't answer, "What's your name?"

He didn't answer, instead stepped close enough that you backed away. Apparently, he doesn't know anything about personal space. He didn't seem to understand you though. When you were a prisoner, you were often forced to interoperate foreign languages. It always made you uncomfortable because you often would have to use your magic to learn it. It's not a kiss exactly, but the humans always think it is. Reaching up, you quickly kissed him. Using your magic as fast as you could so it wouldn't become weird. Your magic didn't pull any language though. He doesn't know how to speak. That could only happen if he's been alone most of his life.

Jumping at the loud bang through the air, you looked down. Spotting the kings guards through a hole in the roof. They spotted you too because they ran in the direction of the tower. They've already spotted him. They'll want him for his magic too. Grabbing his arm to dragged him to the edge of the balcony.

"You have to leave." You ordered pushing him more, thought he didn't move an inch when you did, "Get out of here. They'll catch you."

Giving him another push, you glanced inside where you could hear the guards climbing the steps. Giving him another shove, you hoped he understood that he had to leave. He only blinked at you, making you sigh. Turning into a Phoenix, you flew up and away from the crumbling castle. Slightly surprised when he only moved to transform to follow you. He's not going anywhere unless you are. That will be a problem when you're a prisoner. You don't want him to be captured like you were. You can't let that happen. you might have just met him, but you don't want anything to happen to him. For once in a long time, you're willing to fly forever for your freedom.

Circling him, you hoped he understood to keep following you. A loud shriek ripping through your beak as pain hit your shoulder. You started falling. One wing flapping uselessly. Fear hit you when you realized that you were going to die. You don't know if you'll come back. You'll die in the ocean. Normally you burst into cold blue flames and you're reborn. Just like your fire born brother. Water and fire don't mix though. 

Feeling talons wrap around you, your fear was replaced with relief. Your head turning up to look at the Griffin. He let out a loud roar as he flew up. Hovering before the tower and the guards. All of you waited for him to make a move. When he didn't though, you looked up at him. Finding him looking down at you. Waiting for you to make your move. To get revenge for trying to shoot you down. It's the chance of a lifetime for you. Sucking in a breath, you screamed out. Watching as your scream turned to ice. Forming around the guards, who failed at running away.

When you were done, he used one wing to swipe the ice blocks away. Letting them fall to the ocean below. You don't have any guards after you, but now what? Turning human as he set you down, you left your wings due to the pain the arrow left. You're free for now, but what will happen if the king sends more guards after you. You've been the kingdoms shinning jewel for centuries despite being treated as a slave. Even if you kill every guard that comes, would he send more? Will all your lives be fighting and being scared of being captured? What about the Griffin? You don't want anything to happen to him. You can feel your connected magic. He's strong, but what if the king brings an army?

Snapping out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your face, you looked up at him. His human form starring at you protectively and caringly. Something you haven't seen in ages.

"S...Saf..." He looked frustrated as he spoke.

As if he knew he wasn't saying it correctly but struggled to fix it. You understood though. He must have had some contact with others before and is trying to copy them. He's telling you that you're safe now. You're not so sure. When he hugged you though, you mind went blank. Even his wings wrapped around you, as if to assure you that you were safe. He was able to take your mind off your worries. Not many people can do that. Chuckling to yourself, you pushed back from him a little. Your eyes widening when he leaned in for a kiss. It got your heart racing, but you just meet him.

"Maybe another time" You spoke quickly, holding a hand to his mouth to stop him.

He is right though. You are safer with him. You just have to find a way to communicate with him. That way if the king does decide to send more men, you can warn him to leave. You decide to start with the basics.

"(Y/N)." You pointed at yourself, then at him.

"(Y...Y/N)." He struggled slightly but seemed to catch it quick before pointing to himself, "(Y/N)."

Sighing, you shook your head. Maybe he doesn't have a name. You could give him one at least until he can tell you his real name. Something simple that he can say.

"(Y/N)." You repeated pointing to yourself, then him, "Finn."

"F..fenn." He repeated wrong, but it's close enough, "(Y/N)."

Smiling, you patted his shoulder while stepping away from his hug, still around you. For now, you have to let yourself heal. You can't fly with a broken wing, and you can't ask him to fly you. This castle can be a temporary place to stay until you're healed. Feeling your magic buzz to life, you looked over to see he was reaching for you hand. His blue eyes flickering between your face and your hand. It couldn't hurt. Grabbing his hand, you tried to keep your sudden blush and heartbeat down as your magic grew with his. 

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