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I know I heard it somewhere here. Glancing around the coral I frowned in frustration. I had heard the call of another person, that I though was around here. It so hard to find anyone else of my species since the war against the humans years ago.  I've been alone since the end of the war since my whole family died in it. I can't even recall how long ago that was. Hearing the faint, hypnotic echo again, I turned to that direction. Swimming past the colorful fish and diving to any hiding place I could find when danger came around. Mostly human boats or sharks. Just past a drop off, I finally spotted them, stuck in a human's net. They were slowly being pulled up towards the surface. The humans will for sure kill them. 

Pulling out my weapon, that I got from a sword fish, I swam as fast as I could towards them and cut the rope that was pulling them up. Grabbing the net that had them trapped, I swung them away from the drop off. There are to many dangers here anyway. I should have remembered that for myself, because I was to busy making sure that they were in a safe area, that I didn't see that the humans were starting to throw harpoons at me. I only noticed it when one nearly hit my arm. Glaring up at them, I had half a mind to flip their boat, but decided against it. Instead, heading to the safe area, grabbing their net and pulling them behind a wall of coral. We should stay here, at least until the boat is gone.

Seems the other mercreature had other ideas, because they started thrashing around. Trying to either escape the netting or me.

"Calm down and I'll get you out in a minute." I assured them, trying to hold them down. They were wiggling around to much though. Loosing my grip, I frowned as I watched them go over and down the drop off. I suppose so long as they stay close to the wall, it should be okay. There's no telling if they'll be able to get that net off. Not to mention, I actually don't want to be alone anymore. With any luck, they'll accept my invitation to stay with me. Right now though, it's easy to tell that they're not used to company anymore. I should just keep my distance, but follow them. 

Diving over the drop off, I kept an eye on them. Ducking behind a large rock as we reached the bottom. As long as they don't see me, it should be okay. Following them, I blinked when I saw them enter a sunken ship.  Waiting a little while, I went in too. Hearing their struggled breathing,  I realized they're probably trying to take that net off. We should be safe enough that I can approach them. Peeking into a room, I lightly knocked on the metal, earning a shocked gasped from them as they looked up at me. 

"Hi, need some help?" I offered, but I found that I was to hasty, because they swam out through a hole on the other side of the room, "Wait, I'm not going to hurt you."

Swimming after them, I froze briefly when I saw the dark shadow swimming around the ship. A large shark, of all the bad luck it had to be a predator. Looking around for the other mercreature, I sighed when I saw them being chased by the shark. It's almost a wonder how they lived this long. Rolling my eyes, I swam towards the shark and used my sword to kill it. Grabbing the net before they could get away again.

"Look, I'm not going to kill you." I explained, pulling them down to the floor of the ship, "I'm trying to help you. If I take this net off, will you promise not to run away?"

This time they hesitated, before nodding. Now relieved, I carefully started cutting them out. There were red marks on their skin and tail where the netting had cut into them. Those are going to need bandages. Glancing up at them, I gave them my best smile.

"Well, these are going to need bandaging. With that dead shark here though, it's not going to be safe here for a while. Would you be opposed if I offered you somewhere safer?"

They nodded, then once again hesitated as I offered a hand to help them up, but they accepted it. Their (E/C) scanning me, before they widened in shock.

"Arion?" They gasped, making me blink in surprise, I didn't think they would know my name considering I don't recognize them.

"Well, I see the one with the beautiful voice already knows me, but I don't know you." that must have been the wrong thing to say because they looked down.

"You probably wouldn't." They sighed, "We were in the same hunting school, back before the war started. My name is (Y/N)."

Now I remember them. I should have recognized that singing voice, since they always sang at the festivals. I even had a small crush on them because of their singing voice. They look so different though, like they were clearly struggling to survive. Chances are they probably were. Their body seemed nearly bone thin from starvation and the scales on their (F/C) tail weren't as shiny as a healthy merfolk.

Most merfolk are group creatures. It's a struggle for one to survive on their own. The only reason I have been able to is because I found a sunken human kingdom that's been so abandoned that none of the fish are afraid to approach me. I can easily grab one to eat and they will still approach. That's were I'm hoping to take (Y/N).

"I have to say I didn't recognize you." I laughed, earning a small uneasy smile from them.

" I could say the same for you." They hummed, "You're hair has gotten a lot longer and you have the markings of a merman who has achieved all the skills our people desire."

Smiling, I glanced at the white marking on my arm, with pride, then back to them. Nearly panicking when I saw that they were frowning with their lips quivering.

"It's been a long time since I've seen anyone friendly. At least since the humans destroyed our homes." They whimpered, "I thought you were another rouge merfolk, trying to hurt me."

"Are those out there?" I asked, earning a small head nod.

"They've turned back to their ancient predator ways. Some are captured in nets and the humans take them. I was told by one, who tried to trick me, that the humans value our scales. That's why I was scared when I was in that net and you helped me. I didn't want to be saved by a rouge." They sobbed. 

Clearly they've been though a lot and have been traumatized by all this. I can't imagine what those rouges could have tried to do. On top of the humans hunting our kind and our natural predators. Frowning, I pulled them into a hug to comfort them.

"Hey, it's okay now. You're safe." I assured them, rubbing their back, "We're going someplace I've found that is safe. There is plenty of food there and I'm the only one who knows of it. You can live a better life there. Of course, I won't force you to stay after you're healed."

"I'm staying with you." They choked out, what almost sounded like a strangled laugh. Smiling, I tried to keep comforting them. At least we're not going to be alone anymore.

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