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This was asked for by MoonlightAlphaDemon! This is male x male human. Enjoy!

Hearing the chants of your soldiers in the tent, you smiled and shook your head. You can't blame them for being happy though. In a couple hours, the enemy's leader will sign their defeat and you all can go home. Shivering against the cold, you glared around at the night and the snow. You were especially happy to get off this frozen mountain waste land. Shuffling in the tent you sighed in relief at its warmth. Thanks to the three dragons and phoenix here most of your men have managed to stay warm.

"There he is! Our fearless General!" An orc announced earning a cheer from everyone.

Waving to some of them, you made your way to the table where your Commander was sitting with a few others. You raised an eyebrow when you saw the Phoenix, Cyrus was already swaying a little in his seat, already tipsy. You've known him for years. Since you're first assignment as general. He's been your biggest support and he quickly rose up in the ranks. You wouldn't trust anyone more than him. When you sat down, he gave you a large smile.

"(Y/N)!" He cheered wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leaning against you.

Across the way, the orc Brutus, the elf Thron, and the Troll Lurch visibly grimaced. You can't blame them. Throughout the war, it was mandatory to show respect by referring to someone as their title. It's why many of the boys don't talk to you, because they feel that you are too good for them. You've overheard them, which you admitted stung a little. Even when you've risked your life several times to save some of them. There wasn't anything you could do about it. Cyrus was the only one who would physically approach you rather than wait for you to go to him. It's why you admired him so much.

"You have to show respect to the general, Cyrus." Thron hissed, as you motioned for the barkeeper to bring you a drink.

"I don't think there's a need for that now." You grinned, taking a sip, "In a few hours the war will be over. We'll just be people then."

"Cheers to that." Cyrus yelled holding his cup up, "Honestly, I don't see why you all are so scared of the General. He's so nice and handsome. He's a killer with the ladies."

"Not willingly or literally." You coughed, knowing orcs take phrases like that literally.

"Careful Cyrus. You'll make the General's girl jealous with all that flirting." Lurch snickered, making you grimace.

"I don't and won't ever have a girl waiting for me." You sighed, shaking your head.

"Then the General is mine." Cyrus announced wrapping his arms around you and practically laying across your lap, "We'll get married, live in a cute little town, adopt a kid or two."

"Wow, you plan that out in more detail than I do a battle plan." You chuckled, pushing him up, "You're really drunk thought, aren't you?"

"Naw, I'm fine." He hummed, making you smile and shake your head, "I'm going to take him to his tent. You boys have a good night. Drink and celebrate to going home, that's an order."

"Yes, sir General." The three chanted with teasing smiles.

"Don't take advantage of poor Cyrus." Brutus called, making your face burn up as you heard others whistling and howling.

Rolling your eyes, you heaved Cyrus onto your shoulders and carried him out. It's still cold out, but Cyrus is always warm, so having him this close repels the cold. It's something you're thankful for whenever you and him are close. Shaking your head at his giggles, you managed to get into his tent and set him on his bed.

"Sleep it off. You still have to pack in the morning." You ordered, blinking at him when he grabbed your hand.

''Stay until I sleep?" He yawned, looking up at you pleadingly with his golden eyes, "Sneak out when the others are asleep."

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