Genderbend Goddess Morana

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This was requested by gsthdt! Thank you for the request and sorry it took so long! Sorry it's so long too!

Frowning as you studied the cave, you wondered if this was a good idea. You knew that approaching the god of death and cold, wouldn't exactly be fun. At first, you were determined to meet this god, just to save your home from starvation and being frozen to death. Now that you were actually here, the thought kind of scared you. Recalling that you had lost all of your family members due to this record breaking cold, you calmed yourself down and went in. Keeping a hand on the cave wall as you went deeper, you froze when you saw what looked like an ancient mansion carved into the wall of a large cavern. Standing at the door watching you was a man in black. 

Getting closer, you tried to keep yourself from shaking as you bowed.

"I am (Y/N) and I am searching for the god of death and cold, Moran." You spoke hoping you didn't come off rude. 

"I am Moran." He huffed, "I have no business with a mortal. Leave before the snow gets too deep for you."

Blinking at his blunt order, you didn't know what to say. You came all this way, and he won't even hear you out. 

"I have business with you though." You called out, "I'm here to ask that you lift this winter before everyone, and everything is killed."

"What reason do I have to do as you say?" He shot back almost sounding annoyed, "The death of your kind doesn't affect me."

"Until there are no more creatures to die." You pointed out making him fall silent, "I'm just asking for some kind of compromise and I'm not leaving until you agree to it."

"I could kill you right now." He threatened.

"I know. I wouldn't have come here knowing that if I had something to lose." You explained, noticing the brief moment of surprise on his face.

Then he huffed at you and went inside, "Do as you want, but I won't agree to a compromise." 

-1 Month later-

He was stubborn about not compromising, but you were just as stubborn about not leaving. You've even taken up a room in the mansion, just to stay. After the first couple of days, he finally agreed to eat with you, but he refused to talk about business. Rather you both talked about your families. His, being busy gods and yours having been mortals who were now dead. On occasions you would try to bring up stopping the cold, which he would quickly change. Now, you've taken to annoying him into some kind of agreement. 

Hiding behind one of the ice walls, you chuckled as you packed the snowball in your hands. He normally leaves the cave at sunrise and returns at sunset. This is the perfect time to ambush him.

Peeking around the wall, you grinned when you saw his dark form entering the cavern. You took aim, then threw it. Giving a silent cheer when it hit his shoulder then you hid again. Creating another snowball, as you tried to control your giggles.

" A snowball, really? This prank is ridiculous, (Y/N)." He called.

"Awe, is the god of cold, offended by a little snowball." You teased, sneaking out to aim another snowball at him. Grunting when a pile of snow hit you in the face. Trying to swipe some of the snow off, you went to aim at him again, but didn't find him.

"Behind you." You heard him whisper, making you turn around, only to have snow shoved in your face, until you fell to the ground. Not wanting to go down easily, you kicked your legs around and tripped him. Laughing as he landed on the snow by you. For a minute, you grinned when you heard him chuckle a little, but decided not to ruin the moment by pointing it out.

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