Yandere Humanized Cookie Monster

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This was requested by JamaicaDane2! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Finishing up decorating the batch of cookies, you glanced up at the clock with a sigh. Another day to start.

"(Y/N), you haven't opened that door yet?" Mr. Jones called from the back. Sounding grumpy as usual.

"I'm on it, Mr. Jones." You announced unlocking the door and stepping aside as an Orc, werewolf, and an old witch entered the shop, "Hi welcome. Let me know if you need any help."

You tried your best to be polite to each of them as you also continued frosting cookies. It was close to valentine's day, so the bakery was going to be busy for the next couple of days. Now if Mr. Jones would actually help, rather than have you do all the work, things would get easier. He doesn't even help you with the customers.

"Thank you for shopping with us." You offered a smile as you wrapped up the pastries for the orc. 

"Is it just you here?" Glancing at the witch you nodded, "No one to help?"

"It's just me and Mr. Jones in the back." You answered, shrugging your shoulders at her look of pity.

You could tell from just her appearance alone that she was a dark witch. Not someone you really want to mess with too much. You've heard about how some of their spells have killed people.

"Poor child. I know, how about I help you. I'll give you a helper." She hummed pulling out her wand.

"Oh, no. Thank you, but..." Before you could finish there was a puff of smoke that clouded your vision.

Coughing and backing up to get clear of the smoke, you yelped when you backed into someone. Though they kept a hand on you to keep you from falling.

"Careful, Sugar. You'll hurt yourself." Glancing at the man, you looked over at the old woman who grinned at you.

"Now you'll have a helper as sweet as you." She giggled, nodding towards the table. Looking down, you were surprised to find that the cookie you had been frosting was gone. You knew what happened though.

"Wait, you really didn't have to do this." You called, though the old lady left without buying anything.

"Mother Gretel is often like that." The man hummed, "She might have been born a dark witch, but she still wants to help others. Now what do you want me to do, Sugar?"

"(Y/N)!" Grimacing slightly at Mr. Jones's scream, you turned as he came out of the office, "I've got three baker's dozen Butterscotch cookies that need to be made, Two baker's dozen lemon cookies, and four baker's dozen chocolate chip cookies."

"Okay then." You sighed.

"Who's this?" Tensing slightly, you tried to come up with the best lie you could.

"This is, Chip. He's offering to help." You explained, glancing at the man and hoping that he will go along with it. 

He didn't look at you but smiled at Mr. Jones, "It's nice to meet you. I'm ready to start today. Right now, even." 

"We're not paying for anyone else to work. (Y/N), get started. Those orders need to be finished in two hours." He growled going back to his office.

Feeling shocked at the demand, you almost felt like quitting. You love baking though. This bakery is actually yours. You hired Mr. Jones to help, but he's taken up the job of the bakery money and taking orders. He's even started acting like he's the boss, which you won't lie, irritates you.

Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you looked up at the man, who was glaring at the office door.

"I will handle Mr. Jones. Get started, I'll be out soon." Watching him leave, you started helping the new customers that came in. Grimacing when one Fairy started getting a little too comfortable around you.

"Sir, you are disturbing the customers as well as myself. If you're not going to get anything I'm going to have to ask you to leave." You growled, blinking in shock then he grabbed your arm.

"Then can I get your number?" The bad attempt at flirting made you roll your eyes, which widened when the fairy screamed.

"Leave." Looking up at the cookie boy, who had a grip on the fairy's arm, you saw pure fury in his eyes. He didn't even flinch when he broke the fairy's arm. Gasping, you pulled them apart, but had to hold him back when it felt like he was going to lunge at the fairy.

"Keep your disgusting hands off them." the cookie boy hissed, making the fairy nod before leave. Noticing the stair of the customers, you pulled him to the back.

"What are you doing?" You sighed, "You can't just hurt others for no reason."

"He was bothering you and put his hands on you. I'm not going to let anyone do that to you again. Mother made me to help and protect you. That's what I intend to do, Sugar."

Letting out another sigh, but a grateful smile, "Fine then. Can you handle the customers out front while I start the orders?"

"Of course, Sugar." 

With his help, they day went by rather quickly. You even managed to get all the orders done. With the man's help, he insisted you keep calling him Chip, you actually had fun. You can't even remember the last time you enjoyed your job.

Closing up the shop, your frowned when you realized something. Mr. Jones has been quiet in his office most of the day. Knocking on the office, you hummed when you didn't get a response.

"Mr. Jones, it's time to leave." You called opening the door. Feeling your mouth drop open at the sight of him dead in his chair. Quickly shutting the door, you turned to Chip.

"What did you do?"

"Well, help you cook most of the day." He laughed, before turning to you and frowning when he saw you at the office door, "Oh that. I did what I had to."

This isn't going to work. How are you supposed to hide a dead body? Realizing what you were thinking, you were surprised that you weren't going to the police with this. He killed someone after all. Feeling hands on your shoulders, you looked up at Chip.

"Don't worry about a thing, Sugar. I will handle the cleanup. Mother Gretel is already keeping track of the fairy who tried to hit on you earlier. I'll deal with him too. You're mine after all. I have to protect you."

Pursing your lips, you sighed, "For some reason I can't be mad at you for this. You can't keep killing people though."

Catching his smile, you blinked in surprised when he lightly kissed you, "Only if you want, Sugar. Though if anyone else lays a hand on you, I can't promise I'll be able to keep calm."

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