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Okay everyone, so I actually didn't create this character. This is a character from an asmr video by Siren's Son. I don't own this character at all, nor do I work with Siren's Son, so I can't say what he will do. I just thought it would be a cute idea for this orc. If you love this chapter, I highly recommend going to YouTube to watch the series and his others. All his videos are just (Chef Kiss). Thanks everyone and enjoy!

Stretching as you stirred the pot, you glanced out the window. It should be time for your husband to get home. Though with the festival happening, he might get home later. Estimating the time, it will take to finish, you grabbed a bowl, wondering if you should take it to him. Just as the thought crossed your mind, the cottage door opened, making you turn to it.

Thresh stepped in while giving you a grin, "You're late again."

"Sorry, Tiny." He chuckled, knowing you were teasing him, "It got busy as the forge at the last minute."

"With everyone coming in, I'm not surprised." You agreed, pausing when you heard him walking to the hallway, "Hold it, Big Guy. What are you up to?"

His eyes went wide as he looked at you, "What do you mean? I'm not up to anything."

"Thresh, every evening when you come home, you come straight to me to give me a kiss. It doesn't matter how dirty or smelly, or sweety you are." You listed crossing your arms, noticing his hands behind his back, "Without fail, kissing me is the first thing you do when you get home. Not this time?"

"I just wanted to take a bath before kissing you." He came up with the excuse, making you raise an eyebrow at him.

"Then what are you hiding behind your back?"

He stammered as if he was trying to spit out an excuse, before he stopped and chuckled. He knows he was caught red handed. After having been with him for nearly two years, you know him like the back of your hand. Your eyes widened when he showed you the Orc baby. They baby's large golden eyes looking around before setting on Thresh and he laughed.

"A baby?" You gasped, earning a nod from Thresh, "Where did you find it?"

"The Smith said someone dropped the baby off on his doorsteps. He asked if we could take him in." Your husband explained, giving you a pleading look, " The baby was at the forge with us all day. I wanted to surprise you."

Sighing, you looked between him and the baby. You wish he would have talked to you about this, but you know your husband. He has the biggest heart around and wouldn't say no to helping a child.

"Well, at least you told me now." You sighed, giving him a small grin, "Go get washed up before dinner. I'm sure you and the baby smell like smoke."

"Yes, Tiny." Thresh turned to leave, but you cleared your throat, "Oh right."

Grinning at him, you kissed him. Laughing when he nuzzled his nose against yours before going down the hall. Turning back to the soup, you frowned. Would it really be okay to raise a baby? Sure, the smith might have found it, but what if the parents come back? There are very few orcs in Treston, despite the fact that the town welcomes them. You wonder if the baby would be better with Thresh's old clan. What's more, you don't even know how to raise a kid. What if you're just absolutely horrible at it?

Blinking from your thoughts as you saw the soup bubbling, you shook your head. Those thoughts can be worried about later. Setting dinner on the table, you went to get Thresh. Giving a light knock on the door.

"Hey, Big Guy, dinner's done." You announced, receiving silence.

That's odd. He rarely ever stays silent when it comes to food. Creaking the door open, your heart melted at the sight. Your husband was already asleep in bed. The baby was asleep on his chest with Thresh's hand protectively over the baby. Both much cleaner than when they came in. You have to admit, it was cute seeing them like that.  Grinning a little at it, you sat on the edge of the bed by them. Hesitating a minute before rubbing the baby's back. The baby yawned, before opening his eyes and giving you a big sleepy grin. That was just absolutely adorable. Chuckling at that, you carefully moved Thresh's hand and picked up the baby.

"You are lucky you're so cute." You teased, bouncing that baby.

The baby giggled before patting your face, earning a laugh from you. Hearing a deep chuckle, you looked over at Thresh to see him grinning while his eyes were barely open, like he was fake sleeping.

"Looks like the baby likes you, Tiny. Can't say I blame him."  Rolling your eyes with a smile, you stood.

"Obviously you think so if you married me. Dinner's ready." You explained, making him get up, "So, what's the baby's name?"

"I was thinking Gorgo." He answered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "What do you think?"

"I like it." You agreed, yelping as he suddenly picked you up, "Easy Big Guy."

He only laughed as he carried you to the couch, "Dinner can wait. I want to cuddle my family."

Laughing at that, you waited for him to sit with you on his lap before nestling against him. Enjoying the warmth, him and the baby gave you. Any worries you had earlier washed away.

"This will work." Thresh spoke, making you look up at him, "I plan to raise him as my father raised me. Doing the right thing and honorably. You'll make a good parent too."

"Right." You scoffed sarcastically, going silent when he kissed you.

"I mean it, Tiny. You're as gentle as a summer breeze and the most caring person I know. You will be the best." He complimented, making you flush.

"You and your poetry." You chuckled, looked at Gorgo, who was nearly asleep again, "I think you're right though, Big Guy."

Resting against him with a content sigh, you both rested for a while, until the baby woke up with a whimper. His stomach growled as did your husband's.

"I guess that means it's time to eat. Isn't that right, Gorgo." Thresh grinned, making you laugh.

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