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This was asked for by AyunaKei2! The reader is a female in this one. Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Coming back from the battlefield, you were exhausted. The enemy is starting to retreat though. There are some stragglers that you'll have to deal with though. 

"Princess (Y/N), the Orc Chief, Dragon King, Elf King, and Dwarf King are waiting for the next battle plan." Your General, Chase, announced, as you climbed off your horse.

Pain hit your side making you grunt as you wrapped an arm around the pain to ease it. Pulling your arm away, you saw some of your blood on it. Those demons must have hit you.

"Princess, you've been injured. You must rest." Your maid, Milly, pleaded, but you shook your head.

"I have to meet with the others." You grumbled heading to the largest tent in the camp, " Has there been any news about father?"

"He's still sick, but he's getting better." She reported making you nod, before looking back at her as she cleared her throat, "Princess, you must rest. You're injured, you haven't slept in nearly two days. Not to mention I haven't seen you eat lately."

"I'll relax when this war with those demons is done." You sighed entering the tent, "Bring some healers please."

The four creatures inside were scraped up with wounds, but that didn't stop them from arguing with each other's. You hear them argue almost all the time. Bragging about victories in battle, treasures they poses, or skills they have. It's all tiring.

"Chase, get their attention." You groaned sitting in the chair at the head of the table.

Hoping to hide the amount of pain you were in. Watching Chase release an arrow between the arguing monsters. All the monsters stopped as the arrow stuck to a wooden beam.

"Shut up and sit down. All of you." At your harsh words, they all obeyed, "Now, if you're all done squabbling like children, we can get back to the battle planning."

"Zalthu started it." Dragon King Diaval accused pointing towards the Orc.

"I did not." Zalthu huffed, glaring at the dwarf, "Bulfeg, tried saying that the dwarf's craftsmanship was better. I proved him wrong."

"Ya green mini giant, I stated the truth, and I will die by it." Bulfeg yelled, starting another argument.

Feeling a headache form, you rubbed your head, "Enough! I don't care who started it."

At your scream they all went quiet again. Each one looking shocked before they sat down again. Their reaction isn't surprising. You've always tried to stay even tempered. You are at your wits end with them.

"I don't care who started it." You repeated while glaring at each one, "All of you have been arguing since my father gathered you all for the peace treaty against the demons. The arguing ends now until the demons are vanquished."

They all looked down, making you sigh and attempt to relax. Glancing over at the healers, you nodded for them to work on the monsters first. You tried your best to ignore the disapproving sigh from Chase.

"We're sorry, (Y/N)." The Elf King Albwin apologized.

"Just stop fighting with each other until this war is over. If anything, stop it for your own people." You grumbled, "Remember if we lose with war, we lose everything. Our lands, our loved ones, or if worse comes to worse our minds."

"Okay. Only because you asked, (Y/N)." Diaval nodded with the others agreeing, "I would ask what the plan is, but you seem really pale."

"Are ya okay, lass?" Bulfeg asked, which made you realize how tired you really felt.

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