Yandere Werewolf and Yander Vampire

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This was requested by Marvel1Maiden! In this one the Vampire is the hero, and the Werewolf is the villain. Enjoy!

Rolling your eyes at the cheers of your coworkers, you tried to finish up the report of the battle against the villain. No, you didn't fight, but you instructed the hero what to do. Not that anyone else cares. 

"You're not going to cheer for your partner?" One of your co-workers, Jake, teased while leaning against your desk.

"I'll start cheering when he does his own paperwork." You huffed, finally sending it, "Besides, it's his job."

"Curtis is one of our best though." He chuckled, as you gathered your stuff to go home.

Bitting back your irritation, you shook your head as you headed to the elevator. Hoping he would leave, but he didn't. Instead, getting into the elevator with you.

"That doesn't mean he needs to throw half of his work on me." You snapped, hoping that would make him leave you alone.

"Okay, you don't want to talk about him anymore." He hummed, leaning closer to you, "Then why don't we talk about something else at dinner."

"Not interested." You grumbled, blinking at him in shock when you felt him grab your arm.

"What if I told you, it wasn't a question, but a demand?" He challenged, clearly leaning in for a kiss.

Only to be knocked down by a figure landing on him. Knowing that you'll be the one to get in trouble for this, you tried to pull Curtis off him. Already hearing his growl as his fangs came out.

"No means no." He hissed, "So stop."

"Curtis, knock it off. You're going to get me fired." You yelled, which seemed to snap him out of it as he stood, "What were you doing on the ceiling?"

"I was going to scare you. Pay back for waking me up before the sun set." He answered before glaring at Jake, "I saw this creep getting way to close to my partner, though."

"Just asking for a date." 

"No." Curtis snapped, moving between you two with an arm around your shoulders, "If you ever come near my partner like that again, I'll see if you can fly like me."

Jake immediately paled as the elevator door opened. With a terrified nod, he ran out.

"Thanks Curtis." You thanked, leaving the building with him.

" No thanks needed. I couldn't let him take what's mine after all." He chuckled, making you raise an eyebrow at him.

"Since when am I your anything?" you sighed.

"Well, you're my partner. Maybe something more in the future?" He had a point about being his work partner.

"Good night, Curtis." You chuckled, going home.

He's always offered to walk you home. You've found that it's easier to leave before he does offer.  He might be your partner and a hero, but he still gives you a fairly bad feeling. It's why you don't want him knowing where you live. That and with him being a vampire, you don't completely trust him to keep a hold of his blood lust. The last thing you need is to be bit by him. With how dark it is now and how deserted the streets are, this would be the ideal place for him to attack. This or your home.

Tensing at the sounds of voices down an alley you passed, you risked a glance then knew it was a bad idea when you saw three large men. Each one coming towards you, making you back up. Jumping a little when an arm suddenly wrapped around you. You went to scream, but a clothed hand covered your nose and mouth.

"Easy, Darling. Nothing's going to happen to you." the voice chuckled, as everything started to dark.

Jerking awake, you glanced around in absolute fear. Looking for all possible exits and threats. Across from the couch you laid on was a man sitting on a chair. Not just any man though. It was the most villainous werewolf in the city, Rowan. He was half morphed like he expected a fight. He was just watching you in fascination.

"What do you want with me?" You growled sitting up.

"Dinner." He chuckled with a sharp toothed grin, making you tense.

Of course, it was something like murdering you. You didn't expect anything less. Jumping up, you made a run for the door a little way to your left. Feeling something knock you down from behind, you yelled in pain as your arm was twisted behind you.

When the heavy weight was suddenly gone, you curled up into a ball with you. Trying to block out the growls and howls of a fight nearby. Only when you felt someone lift you up, did you look at the person. A furious snarl was on Rowan's face.

"Don't you ever lay a paw on my darling again." He roared, making the other werewolf whimper with a nod.

You didn't even notice he was here before. Biting back a whimper of fear as Rowan sat down with you in his lap, you didn't look at him.

"I meant dinner with me, Darling." He explained, snapping his fingers. 

Multiple werewolves coming with treys of food before leaving. The food was looked and smelled good enough to eat. You don't trust a villain though.

"Why me?" You asked.

"I've seen you around my brother. I liked you and decided that you were mine." He explained, "Now eat."

Finally turning to look at him, your eyes slid past him to the window. Widening when you saw the dark shadow flying to the window. Ducking closer to Rowan, you flinched when the glass broke. Things crashing as they were flipped, and you were thrown off Rowan's lap. Immediately backing to the wall, you looked between the two.

Curtis looked as if he had lost his mind, with his glare toward Rowan. Rowan didn't as mad, just annoyed.

"You knew then." Rowan growled, "I thought I told you not to come after anyone I had an interest in, Brother."

"You lost the right to call me that when you became a villain." Curtis screamed, "(Y/N) was mine first, so back off."

"Brothers?" You whispered gaining both of their attention.

"We weren't born like this." Curtis grumbled while Rowan nodded.

"We were both bit and turned as children. We've only grown apart since." Rowan explained, "That doesn't mean, I'm just going to act as we were as children. I'm not giving my darling to you."

That set Curtis off, because he attacked Rowan with a roar. Both seeming to be equally matched in both strength of obsessiveness. Glancing for another exit, you saw that there was a balcony past the broken glass. You could leave through the fire exit steps. Sneaking out, you reached the railing before a red light wrapped around you. Wrapping around you tight enough that it hurt.

"Finally got my powers." Shivering at the voice, your eyes widened at Jake.

The lights coming from him, being clear proof that he was a wizard. Feeling the lights tighten, you screamed in pain.

"(Y/N)!" Trying to bite back another scream of pain, you looked over at Rowan and Curtis.

Both seemed shocked, before they looked like they were ready to kill Jake.

"Let's see how many I kill as you try to save (Y/N)." Jake laughed cruelly, as a red light wrapped around your eyes before darkness.

Let me know who you liked better, and I'll do their ending first! :D

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