Yandere Vampire Demon pt 2

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(His Pov)

Trying not to groan from boredom, I glanced over at my head servant, Avelo. A clip board in his hands as he flipped through papers.

"How many more meeting do I have?" I grumbled, nearly making him jump.

"You have one more with Lord Belon and his daughter Isalina." He answered, as the names faintly rang a bell.

If I have one more though, then that means I will get to spend time with my (Y/N) and my little demon. Ever since we found out she was pregnant; I've decided to let her out of that room a little more. She's become a little more accepting of her situation, but she's still quiet and doesn't approach others. I love that though. She knows I'm the only one allowed to touch her.

"Go get (Y/N) and my son and bring them here." I ordered, "Send in the next ones."

Looking down at the demon and his daughter, I instantly recognized them though it's been a few years. They have some nerve to request to see me. From the way she's dressed, I know what they're wanting.

"My King of Lust Ozzy, thank you for agreeing to see us."  Lord Belon greeted bowing.

"Say what you want and get out." I ordered, only getting a grin from Isalina.

"A match, your Majesty." She chirped moving closer, "It's only fitting if the king of Lust has a queen to lust after." 

Me, lust after her? The thought is so absurd it's funny. I even laughed out loud at that. (Y/N) is the only one I want. I've kept her a secret from most of hell, but maybe it's about time I make her, and our son noticed. It would keep pests like Isalina away from me.

"If I was to lust after a demon, it certainly wouldn't be you." I laughed, "There are at least a million thing better and more beautiful than you, little demon."

"Your majesty, you need an heir at least, right?" She purred, setting her claws on the arm of my throne, "Even if you don't lust after me, I can give you an heir."

I was ready to throw her out the window again, but she suddenly screamed bloody murder as she was yanked back by her hair. (Y/N) kicked the back of Isalina's, making her crumple. I've never seen (Y/N) so furious and it's absolutely beautiful. In her arms, my son cooed and reached out for me.

"Hold him." (Y/N) ordered, letting me take our son from her, "Listen here tramp, stay away from Ozzy. He made it clear he's disgusted by you. The fact that you're practically begging for him shows how weak and pathetic you are."

"How dare you!" Isalina shrieked as her father moved to help her.

The second he moved to put a hand on my (Y/N), I had my claws around his neck. Chocking him and lifting him off the ground. Shock on both his and Isalina's faces that made me smile.

"I should introduce my Queen of Lust." I growled, looking over at (Y/N), "and my son Ryker."

"That, that can't be." Isalina gasped, "There was never any news about this!"

"I wanted to keep them quiet. After all, if my brothers found out, they would try to take her from me, which I won't let happen." I hummed, adjusting Ryker in my arm, "Now you both have overstayed your welcome. Shall we deal with them, My Little Raven?"

"Fine." (Y/N) grumbled, as I lead the way to the balcony.

Throwing him off, I turned to (Y/N) who had finished throwing a screaming Isalina over the railing. That's the second time they've been thrown out. I hope they won't need another warning. Letting (Y/N) take Ryker from me, I grinned as she rocked him. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I kissed down her neck and shoulder.

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