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This was asked for by Kenzei17! Thank you for the request. The reader is a Kitsune and a female in this. Enjoy!

Hearing the cheering of the crowd, you flinched at how loud they were. Opening your eyes, you saw that you were in a cage. Several other yokai were also trapped in cages. Hearing fast counting you knew what that meant. You were in a human black-market auction. For the past couple of days, you've been running from something that's been following you. You had no desire to meet whatever it is, so you've been running. Looks like it was the humans. 

There was whimpering nearby that drew your attention. A little white furball was visibly shaking from fear. Knowing no yokai would dare to attack you with your powers, you reached through the bars of your cage to put a clawed hand on it.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, pulling your hand back when it unfurled.

Revealing a small kitsune boy, with 2 tails. He could have been six, so he's not that strong or experienced yet. Definitely not powerful enough for other yokai to avoid. His eyes widened in amazement when he saw you. This doesn't surprise you. Kitsune are rare now because your kind has almost been hunted to extinction.

"It's okay." You assured him, offering him a small smile of comfort, "I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" 

"Ronin." He whimpered, almost crying. "I want my Papa. I want to go home."

"You'll be okay." You attempted to chuckled to make feel better, "I'll get you home."

Grabbing his hand, you squeezed it when he screamed as the cages were kicked. A human peering down at you with a glare.

"Take these two first. The woman gets sold higher." he sneered, "We want a lot for them."

Yelping as your cage was lifted, you tried to hang onto the Ronin's hand, but it slipped from you. The humans setting you both on the stage, but separate. There was no way for you to comfort him. Worried about the child, you didn't see the spear the humans had until they harshly poked you with it. Making you scream in shock as you tried to jump as far from it as your cage would let you. Hearing Ronin scream, you turned to see that they were doing the same to him. A way to show that you're still wild. You've heard that wild Kitsune are worth more than tames ones. 

Gasping as they grabbed him again, you turned to the crowd, wondering if there was a single human who would help save him. They only cheered in glee as they started the bid. None were willing to help him. Kitsune or human, he's still a child. It disgusts you that they are taking joy in watching him be tortured. Well, if they want wild Kitsunes, you'll show them a wild Kitsune.

Feeling another jab, you quickly shifted into your fox formed and snatched the poker into your jaws. Breaking it in half as you felt your power surge. You eventually grew until the weak metal cage broke due to your size.  Humans screamed as you shot fire out at them. Your 7 tails snaping out to show you are not as weak as they hoped. Sending more fire towards the now running crowd, you yelped as you felt something go over you and tighten until you were being held to the stage. That didn't stop you from spewing fire at them or stop your tails from lashing out at them. One of your tails ever wrapped around Ronin's cage to protect him.

Checking on him, you saw that he was turned into his fox form too. It was complete chaos that only stopped when there was a loud roar. Everything seemed to stop from fear as a larger Kitsune appeared from your flames. It's 9 tails telling you that it's very powerful. Blue fire blaring with every step it took. Even the humans seemed to step back as the Kitsune approached dangerously calm. The chains that held you down loosened as the humans who held them ran. Slinking out of the path of the larger Kitsune, you grabbed Ronin's cage with your jaw and yanked it open. 

Picking him up by the scruff of his neck and running off with him. You promised you would take him home. That won't happen if that Kitsune decides to kill you. You've heard that Kitsune that powerful often lose themselves to the power. Killing anything and everyone. Even its own kind.

Sliding to a stop at it landing in front of your path, you knew what you had to do. Dropping Ronin behind you for protection, you glared at the Kitsune before you.

"Ronin, run. Don't look back and go home." You ordered, knowing you might not live, "I'll buy you some time."

Feeling fire form at your paws, you prepared to charge at it. You would have too, had Ronin not ran to it.

"Papa!" Well, that's surprising to you.

At least you know he's not a danger. Turning back to your human form. You watched the two foxes rub their heads together, before they shifted to human as well. The man looked exactly like Ronin. Except for the red marking on his face that made him look more like a fighter than a father.

"It's best if you get home quickly." You reported, "I'm sure the humans will return with reinforcements."

"They will." He nodded, before picking Ronin up.

"Papa, this is (Y/N)." Ronin introduced excitedly, "She was as amazing as you were. She kept me safe, broke out of her prison, and destroyed the human town."

"Really." the man chuckled, turning to you in amusement before moving closer to you.

"My name is Kenshin. Thank you for protecting my son." he thanked, "His mother died due to humans when he was a baby. I do not wish for him to die the same way."

"I'm sorry to hear that." You apologized, trying to hide your grimace from the pain in your side.

He noticed though as he sniffed the air. His eyes widening as we looked at you. His tails flicking in clear excitement.

"It's you." He gasped, setting Ronin down, "You're the one we've been looking for."

"I'm sorry?" You coughed, taking a couple steps back, but he quickly closed the space between the two of you.

"You're the one we've been tracking for the past several days." He explained, shocking you, "We smelt that a female Kitsune went through our territory. We've been following you to offer you sanctuary. A chance to have a family. Unless you have a home."

Shocked, you could barely find the words to answer him. He was watching you so seriously with his golden eyes that they hypnotized you. It was only when Ronin grabbed your hand did you snap out of it. Looking away when you realized you had eye contact with him for longer than you're normally used to.

"I don't actually. I've been wandering for years." You muttered, looking at Ronin as he bounced excitedly.

It caused more pain to spread on your side though. You doubt he knows it. Watching as Kenshin pry his son off you, he immediately wrapped an arm around you to keep you standing.

"You should come home with us." Ronin cheered, "Papa will keep us safe, though with your powers, you could too. Papa's been hunting animals for their furs too. Something about making a comfort nest?"

"She hasn't said yes, Ronin." Kenshin coughed, covering his son's mouth, "Besides, she's injured. Don't bother her with that."

"Oh, I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Ronin apologized, before grabbing your hand much more gently, "Please come home with us though."

It's not like you have much of a choice. You are injured. The thought of actually having a home and family is really tempting to you though. Even if Kenshin is already building a mating nest for you. Something tells you that he won't actually prepare it until you're ready. Probably being the last Kitsune alive would mean that it would be better for the three of you to stay together anyway.

"Okay." You agreed, leaning against Kenshin more.

He got the hint and easily lifted you into his arms. Ronin still holding onto your hand.

"You're safe now, (Y/N)." Kenshin assured you, "Rest now."

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