Male Owl Harpy

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This was requested by hvtfhjh75! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Shaking some of the snow off your coat, you sighed. Hunting in these woods isn't the easiest as some of the others made it out to be. At least it keeps you in the peace and quiet. Deciding to move onto another area, you glanced up at the sky to check if you had enough time. Only frowning when you saw that the sky was fading, it was getting dark. With how far you are from town and your camp, you wouldn't make it too either. Thinking as you but up your bow, you came up with an idea. There are creatures in these forests that your town made a peace treaty with. You've even become friends with several of them yourself. Often times exchanging gifts with them. If you could reach one of their nests, even one you don't know, you can explain your situation. They'll probably let you stay.

Trudging through the snow, you made sure you look up on occasions to see if you could spot one of their nests. Finally spotting a large hole, you grinned. There's a nest that you can go to. Climbing up the tree, you peered into the hole and frowned. No one was home, unfortunately. It looked really warm, but you weren't going to go in uninvited. Sitting on the large branch outside the nest, you decided that waiting would be best. After all it had taken a while to find this one and you know you won't be able to find another one with how quickly night was coming. Tightening your coat, you shivered slightly. Glancing up when you felt the branch shake.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing out here this late?" Grinning up at Lyno, you tried to control your shivering.

"Just hanging out." You chattered, making him raise an eyebrow at you.

"Sure, you are." he scoffed, "Come in, before you freeze to death."

At least you knew this Owl Harpy. He was one of the first friends, of his kind, that you made. He was a little skeptical of you at first, but after some exchanges, he quickly started coming around your home often.

Heading in, you made sure to stay to one corner so he could do what he needed to. Lighting a fire in the center, setting his catch on a line in the far side, and pulling some blankets out.

"Have you eaten anything?" He asked making you shake your head, "Well, take your coat off and come by the fire."

Doing as he said, you kept your stuff in a pile and sat on one of the blankets. Glancing up in curiosity. There was a large hole at the top, but it was so high that the cold and snow wasn't getting in.

"I was wondering how your kind keeps their nests warm." You hummed, accepting the plate he offered you.

"That's for your kind. Our feathers keep us warm naturally." He explained, spreading out a wing. Examining the brown and white dotted feathers, you lightly touched them. They were really soft and warm, just as he said.

"Wow, I use a blanket made of these." You smirked, chuckling as he retracted his wings and moved away a little, "I'm just kidding. You can keep your feathers."

That put him at ease, because he smiled and moved a little closer to you. Putting a clawed hand against your cheek with concern on his face.

"You're still cold." He frowned, like he didn't like that fact.

"My face is going to be cold for a while." You hummed finished off the food, before tensing when you felt him move behind you. Wrapping his arm around you then wrapping his wings around you. You could instantly feel the warmth around you, like a cocoon. Smiling, you relaxed more, feeling him puff up slightly. There was a comfortable silence, that almost made you go to sleep, until you felt him shift.

"What were you doing out there in the cold?" He sighed, "Humans can't stay in the cold for long periods of time, like us."

"I'm hunting. I have a camp set up somewhere, but it was getting dark and I knew I wasn't going to make it back in time." You hummed, "I thought I would find and owl harpy nest and see if they would let me stay the night. It was just luck I found your nest."

"You were going to stay at another nest?" He growled out like the very thought, irritated him, "(Y/N), that's very reckless. Just like humans we also have individuals who are not to be trusted. Your kind of thinking is very reckless."

"I just needed a place to stay for the night." You grumbled.

"Then if ever end up in a situation like this again, come to my nest." He ordered, plucking a feather off and handing it to you, "Keep this and when you get lost in these woods, this feather will bring you back to my nest."

Nodding, you smirked a little at him, "I didn't realize you were so worried about me."

"It's you, (Y/N). I don't worry about anyone else like this." He muttered, squeezing you tighter, "Just promise you will be more careful in our forest." 

"It's can't be that dangerous." You sighed, tensing when one of his clawed hands lightly grabbed your face and made you look at him. 

"(Y/N), I'm serious. I don't want to risk you getting hurt or killed by anyone. Promise me that you will only come to my nest."

You've haven't seen him this serious in a long time. It left you speechless, but you managed a nod, which made him smile. He's really worried about you. Recalling a conversation, you had with another owl harpy, Podia, you decided to see if her words were true.

Kissing his cheek, you grinned, when his eyes went wide at you in shock. His feather's fluffing up just a little bit more. You didn't think Podia was right, but seems like she was. You're going to have some fun with this. At least until he confesses.

"Okay, I'll promise, so long as you let me sleep like this for the rest of the night." you laughed, nestling against his feathers more. His face flushed, before a barely noticeable smirk appeared on his face. He muttered something that you couldn't hear, but his arms and wings tightening  around you gave you the answer.

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