Yandere Changeling

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This is for ProjectZeroWolf's birthday! I hope I came close to what you wanted. So, this is a yandere child and a reader parent.  Warning, there is gore in this. I hope you all enjoy!

"Wake up, human." Gasping awake, you blinked at the man standing over you. Though when you looked at him closely, he didn't look human.

"Good. Take care of Liri." Confused, you looked at where the man pointed. Finding a strange looking child watching you with a wide sharp toothed grin.

"Hold on a minute. I don't know you or the kid. Why should I?" You asked, earning a raised eyebrow from him.

"It's either you take care of one fey child, or you take care of many." He threatened, "I promise, you only want the one."

Looking between him and the child, you still didn't know what to say as the child approached you. Putting a sharped nail hand on your leg, scratching and drawing some blood.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'll be the only child you'll ever want." She cheered.

-8 Months later-

"Father, (Y/N) is looking at another child." Liri complained, making you sigh and shake your head as you tried to focus on filling the basket with food.

"You need to focus on our child." The man, you learned is named Alston, growled increasing his grip on your shoulder.

"You're child." You hissed, "I never asked to be its parent."

"Well, you made the mistake of getting her attention, now apologize to her. You don't want to make her angry." Blinking in shock at his cruel bluntness, you glared at him before looking down at the little fey girl. She had a smug look on her face, which made you want to smack her. With Alston here though, there's no way you can lay a hand on her without him hurting you worse.

"I apologize." You tried not to growl out, before checking out the food.

"I forgive you. Can we go to the park?" She asked, making you roll your eyes.

"No." You didn't feel the need to explain why. You just hated going anywhere with the little monster and her father. 

They were both to controlling. Alston was cruel and barely let you out of his sight. He was more like her guardian than a father. Liri was nothing like a human child. With solid white eyes and teeth and claws like knives, she scared you. Not to mention she was clingy and a trickster to get what she wanted. One of those things is getting you into trouble with her father all the time, for no reason.

Grimacing as you felt her clawed hand grabbed your hand, you glanced down at her. Still annoyed with her, you jerked your hand away from her. Hissing at the new cuts on your hand her nails created.

"You would prefer a human child, wouldn't you?" She almost sounded upset at her own words, "That's why you're always looking at them. You don't love me."

"A human wanting a human child rather than a monster. How did you ever guess that?" You sneered, setting the bags on the counter at home, "No, I don't love you. Not when you constantly hurt me or do things to make my life a nightmare. You and your father both are the worse things to happen to me."

"I only do those things because you pay more attention to others than to me." She screamed, dropping her human disguise.

"I've got scars up and down both arms from the pain you've caused me from your jealousy!" You yelled back showing her your arms. Bite marks and claws marks littering your arms.

"Would you have preferred it if we had waited until you had a child and swapped them?" Alston snapped stepping between you two, "Give your child to a demon? Maybe you would have preferred it if we took you to the fey realm rather than keep you here with all these distractions."

"You two are unbelievable." You hissed, moving to your room, "I would never have wanted a child like you, Liri, or be near a monster like you, Alston."

Glaring at her again, as she glared back, you slammed your door shut. This was the only time you get peace to yourself. Most of the times, when you're alone in your room, they don't bother you. That's why you stay in here a lot, to avoid them. Fixing your news wounds, you looked at the door as it opened. Glaring at Liri as she came in.

"I've got a surprise for you." She called, moving closer and reaching for your hand. Knowing that her claws would still hurt, you pulled away. Following her though not to thrilled, you almost wondered what a changeling would consider a surprise. Maybe after your outburst they're ready to give you to a demon or they're selling you to another fey family. You think you would prefer either of those.

Looking up when you entered the living room, you screamed when you saw the sight. There were three girls tied to chairs in the center. They all looked as if they had been beaten. Each one looking to be different ages and each one crying. Dropping to your knees in shock, you felt your stomach twist.

"Liri, what are they doing here?" You demanded, moving to free them, "Let them go." 

Feeling arm wrap around you from behind, you looked back at Alston, who glared down at you. Hearing her cruel chuckle, you looked back to her.

"You know them, don't you? They're the kids you want to replace me with. The ones you like better than me." She accused, grabbing the little girl's face, "What is it about her that you like? Is it her hair, because I don't have any?"

Feeling your stomach twist, you looked away when you saw that she started to tear the girl's hair off. Whimpering when Alston made you look back.

"You did this, you watch." He hissed. 

"Now what about her?" Liri sneered, "Oh she has pretty green eyes. Is that why you looked at her at the park the other day? I'll admit, I'm envious of them."

Knowing what was going to happen, you closed your eyes. Trying to block out the girl's scream, before she went silent.

"Just stop. These girls have families who are going to miss them. You have to heal them and return them." You ordered, making her look at you with the green eyes that weren't hers. 

"I know you would never say that if I was in these girls place. You would have let anyone kill me. I'm becoming the perfect daughter for you." She sassed, "Besides, they're already being replaced and there's a demon waiting for each of them."

"This isn't right, and you know it."  You pointed out, earning a shoulder shrug from her as she went onto the next girl.

"Now this girl, you liked the way she was holding her mother's hand. So, you must prefer her hands over mine." Liri sneered as you closed your eyes again, when the girl started screaming.

Winching when you felt a normal child's hand on your face, you looked up then jerked away from her. She looked like a put together monster, with the stolen traits of other children.

"Don't you love me now, (Y/N)? Am I not the perfect daughter now?" She giggled.

Still horrified, you backed away from her as much as you could. Being restricted due to Alston, but for now, he seemed like the safer option. You never thought you would think that in your life.

"You're a monster." You managed to stammer out, "You've forced me to care for you, beaten children, sold them to a demon, hurt me. It was never your appearance, but you in general. I will never love you."

"Guess we have no choice but to take you home to the fey realm." Alston sighed, "You won't ever leave the house, the only people you will see are me and our daughter."

"You're daughter." You sneered at him, grimacing when you felt her grab your face with her stolen hands.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). We'll get along better now that I'm your better daughter."

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