Yandere Werewolf and Yandere Vampire: Curtis

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"Jake, let's just talk about this." You tried to reason, flinching when the magic around you tightened.

Even with a blind fold on, you figured where he brought you. A warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Away from the city so the chances of your smell being tracked is low.

"I gave you a chance to talk to me. To go out with me." he screamed, "You refused because of Curtis, right? You prefer the strongest hero over an office worker, right?"

"That's not it." You snapped, biting back a scream as you felt him slap you.

A ring on his hand cutting your face, "Don't lie to me! I know you prefer people with power. That's why I'm going to kill Curtis and become the best hero."

"You're doing a terrible job at being a hero now." You yelled, now frustrated.

There was the sound of glass breaking behind you, which shocked you. The animalistic growl made you shiver, along with the screams of pain. However, the magic around you vanished. You can actually escape. As you were starting to remove the blind, cold hands wrapped around yours, stopping you.

"As much as I love seeing your eyes.  I need you to keep this on a little longer."  Curtis's voice chuckled, but you nodded, "I would hate for you to see what I'm about to do."

"You can't kill me! You're under contract that you can't kill." Jake's voice yelled though it sounded strangled.

"I never said I was going to kill you." The dark, monstrous turn in Curtis's voice horrified you.

For once, it made you want to actually listen to him. Keeping the blind on, you covered your ears as well. Trying your best to block out Jake's yelling and sobs as best as you could. Only when you didn't hear anything did you remove your hands.

"Can I take the blind fold off?" you asked, sensing that he was standing in front of you.  

There was only silence from him, before you felt cold lips on yours. He was clearly being extra careful with his fang. It was a little startling how quickly he went from almost killing a man to gently kissing you.

"If you must. You look good either way to me." Rolling your eyes at that, you removed the blindfold.

"Where's Jake?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at his pout.

"You're really more concerned about him than me? He tried to kill me you know." He huffed.

"You are a vampire." You scoffed, shaking your head, "Besides, I bet our boss is going to make me do all the paperwork. So did you kill him or not?"

"I didn't. " He answered quietly, "He's at HQ. You don't like me, do you? That's why you keep showing that you'll turn me down if I ask you out."

Pausing at those words, you thought about what he said. It's not that you hate him. He was actually very nice to you. Clearly not to others, but for some reason that doesn't bother you. In all honesty, if it wasn't for the fact that he was a superhero, you probably would date him. 

You must have thought about it for too long because he sighed. Picking you up as if you didn't weight anything.

"I'll drop you off at your apartment then." He grumbled, before flying.

Curling into him against the cold wind, you felt a little bad for not answering him. Looking around your balcony as he landed, you wondered how he knew where you lived. Immediately deciding that you didn't want to know.

"Curtis." You spoke up before he could leave, "It's not that I don't like you. Dating you would be dangerous for me. As we learned from your brother and Jake taking me. I don't want to live with feeling like I'm always going to be in danger because I start dating you."

He blinked at you for a second in obvious shock before he laughed a bit. Relief on his face.

"That's it? I thought you didn't like me because you were seeing someone else." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, "If that's the only reason you're not dating me, then no worries there. I'm already quitting. That contract won't stop me from killing anyone who tries to hurt you now."

"What about the world? Don't you want to keep saving it?" You asked, yelping as he picked you up and carried you inside.

"Let the world burn for all I care. So long as I have you here, I could care less." He hummed, kissing you, then setting you on the couch, "So, we're dating now, yes?"

For someone who's supposed to be a vampire superhero, he's acting like an excited puppy. It was something you couldn't resist.

"Okay." You giggled, watching him cheer.

"Great. So, I'm going to finish up at the office for the day. I'll quit, kill Jake, then come back here." He explained backing up to the door, "So just relax and stay here. Not like you can leave, because I've got the front door sealed. Bye, love you."

Feeling your mouth drop open as he flew off, you quickly checked the front door. It wouldn't budge. The only way down would be a, nearly, 20-foot drop. You were definitely going to scold him when he got back.

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