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You knew this was it, dying due to the cold. To be honest it's kind of how you pictured you would die. You weren't the best in the cold weather and due to how ferocious the winters are, you figured it would be the top thing to kill you. Even though you've gone out to gather wood multiple times, others in the town find ways to sneak and steal your wood. Not caring if you would die without it.

Letting out a sigh, you paused your thoughts. Do you breath when you die? Do spirits breath? Confused you wondered what you would see if you opened your eyes. Would it be complete darkness, heaven, or would you wake up in your cabin? Only one way to find out.

Blinking your eyes open, you glanced around. Not recognizing the room you were in or the nearly countless blankets that covered you. Sitting up, you tensed when the door in front of you opened. A large bulking figure standing there with what looked like an axe slung over their shoulder. So you did die by the cold, but this person must be looking to kill you.

"Oh, you're awake." They hummed stepping in and setting the axe behind the door. You couldn't help but blink in surprise at the fox that was walking and talking like a human. Never in your life had you heard about them before. As if sensing your surprise, the creature before you grinned, if that was possible for a fox. Seems he doesn't plan on killing you.

"Who are you and where am I?" You asked.

"I'm surprised those are your first questions and not what I am." He chuckled sitting on the bed, "It's me, Axel, and you are at my cabin, (Y/N). I saw the other people in the town steal your stuff that you've collected for the winter. I didn't think it was right the way they were treating you so I brought you here for the winter." 

Nodding, you tried to keep from rudely staring thought it was hard to do considering he was literally a fox. Now that you think about it, you do remember Axel. He is the local huntsman who would come into town on occasion to sell the furs and meat of the animals he caught. You known him pretty much your whole life and  bought meat from him nearly a month ago. You didn't think he actually paid attention to what the others would steal from you though.

"Then I guess I have to ask what you are." You sighed.

"I'm a werefox." He explained, "Like a werewolf, I turn with the full moon. However, I'm more, civilized, than a werewolf and lesser known. Meaning no one really knows about me so they don't hunt for me." 

"Probably because you're also the huntsman." You laughed, which seemed to put him at ease. He smiled and put a claw against your face.

"You're still ice cold." He hummed, "I've got a stew cooking but the meat won't be ready for several hours. We can take a nap until then. You should be warmed up by then." 

Before you could ask what me meant by that, he laid down on the bed by you. His large bushy tail wrapped around you and his arm draped over you. Now, you're not one to just let a man, let alone a fox, cuddle you, but this was actually comfortable. He was almost irresistibly warm and his fur was fluffy. It made you wonder if this is what it would be like to be wrapped in a cloud.

"How long am I going to be staying here?" You asked, nearly yelping when he pulled you tighter to him.

"At least through the winter or longer if you want." He yawned, briefly showing his sharp teeth, "Don't worry. You'll only have to see this side of me, three or four times this winter." 

Nodding, you glanced at his ears and his tail. Both twitch, reminding you of how a cat twitches sometimes. It makes you want to pet you them, though you don't really know the rules when it comes to petting werefoxes.

"Yes, you can touch them." He spoke with his eyes shut, making you jump. You were given permission, so you did. Carefully touching his ears, you smiled at how soft they were. Next his fluffy tail, lightly chuckling when it brushed your face.

"Should I take that as you not having any objections to staying here with me?" He grinned, nuzzling under your chin.

"Well, it definitely beats dying in the cold." You agreed, giggling as he laughed. 

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