Headless Horseman

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"Brom, you went to far with that story." Hearing the human growl, I watched two them from the graveyard. I recognize the large man, Brom, who I chased last year, but I don't recognize the other one.

"Everyone, but Ichabod knows it's just a story." Brom laughed, though me and him both know the truth, "Now that the walking broom will be to scared to walk through the forest to see Katrina."

"You know she still goes to town." The other one grumbled, but Brom acted like he didn't hear them. If I am ever going to get away from this curse, I need to get Brom's head. He is the great, great grandson of my army best friend. 

The best friend who I considered my brother. However, on the night of Hallows Eve, during the Battle of White Plains, he left me on the battlefield, where I lost my head. If it wasn't for him, I would still have my head. I probably wouldn't be walking in the world between the dead and the living for one night a year.

"(Y/N), calm down. Do you think anything will attack with me here. You're like a sibling to me." Brom chuckled, "Even if something does come, I can shoot it. I won't let anything happen."

Watching him, I shook my makeshift pumpkin head. He's as arrogant as his ancestor. Laughing at his stupidity, I watched him and the human, I now know is called (Y/N), continue down the path.

"Brom, you heard that, right?" (Y/N) asked, cautiously looking around. They froze when they saw me though.

"Don't worry." Brom laughed, but stopped when the I laughed even harder. Both of them now turning to look at me as I kicked my horse, Daredevil, into a sprint towards them. 

They both, then started running on down the forest path towards town. They're fast, but Daredevil is faster. It won't take long for me to catch up to them.

Getting closer, I could almost feel my excitement. Brom got away from me last year, so I failed to take his head. This year I'll be able to get it and break this curse. For a brief second, (Y/N) turned back to me. I could see their shock and fear in their eyes as they saw me get closer. That distraction, cause them to trip though.

"Brom." They grunted, looking to him for help. I could see his eyes flicked between (Y/N) and me. Probably debating if he would have time to save them or not. Seems he's just like his great grandfather, because he continued to run down the trial. Leaving (Y/N) behind him.

In a way, I pity (Y/N). Abandoned by Brom, just like Brom's grandfather abandoned me. Climbing off Daredevil, I approached the little human. They looked absolutely terrified when the saw me. Scanning me like they were trying to figure out what was going to happen to them. Brom acted like he cared about (Y/N), it makes wonder what would happen if he thought (Y/N) was still alive. 

I have to say, this is the best looking human I've seen in a while. Probably the smartest as well. Walking late at night and making sure they had someone. Being aware of their surroundings at all times. Their only mistake was trusting Brom. I've haunted these parts for nearly hundreds of years and I'm thinking that I need a partner to help with my revenge. They can't do that alive though.

Pulling out my sword, I noticed that they started shaking and crying silently. Absolute terror on their face as I knelt by them.

"Please, make it fast." They whimpered and closed their eyes.  I didn't expect them to accept their death like this. That just makes me like them even more. Driving my sword through their chest, I made sure that they wouldn't feel any pain. I even caught their head before it hit the ground. Instead, I carefully laid them down. Folding their hands over their chest, so it would look like they were peacefully asleep. Now that they're dead, I focused my energy and pulled their spirit from their body.

"You want revenge as well, don't you?" I asked, earning a confused look from them.


"Brom left you to die. We are alike in that sense. His grandfather left me to die in battle." I explained, "I lost my head in that battle. That is why I try to take peoples heads. If I take a persons head, then I will look human for a little while at least. If I take the head from Brom, my curse will end and I will get to haunt every night. You can help with that if you want."

"So you didn't kill me? You want my help?" Is that what they think? Chuckling at their ignorance, I glanced behind at their body to let them see for themselves. 

Letting (Y/N) pull away from me, I noticed that they were deep in thought. This is a lot to take in, I know. I'm a ghost, but I'm still reasonable. For (Y/N), I think I need to be a little more than reasonable. After all, if I want them to stay with me, I have to be patient with them.

Then I saw a frown on their face and pure anger forming. That is what I was hoping to see. Now I know they are going to work with me, for as long as it takes. Holding a hand out to them, I was surprised at how tightly they held it. They are definitely angry and that's what I want.

"That's the answer I wanted." I hummed, pulling them to me and wrapping an arm around their waist, "When we get your Brom's head,  we will be able to haunt every night rather than one night a year. We will forever be together to haunt the residence of Sleepy Hollow."

"Sounds good to me." (Y/N) smirked, lightly patting Daredevil. This definitely going to be better than being alone. Lifting them onto Daredevil, I climbed on behind them. Kicking Daredevil into a run. After all, we still have to get me a head before the night is over.

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