Yandere Mafia Ghost

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This was requested by AsterGhost and Evilsquishmallow! The reader is male in this one. Also, I put in some 1950's slang, I'll put their meanings at the bottom. Enjoy!

Watching the car and van pull up outside, you grew excited. You finally have some company and from the amount of equipment they were pulling out they were going to be staying a little while. Your excitement grew when you saw your parents. Running down the steps, you paused when you saw Bates standing on the steps like he was waiting for you.

"Going somewhere, (Y/N)?" He asked in a cold, calm voice that send a shiver down your spine.

"My parents are here." You stated, trying not to show your fear, "I'm going to go see them."

He towered over you as he studied you. It's one of the many reasons you're so scared of him. Despite the fact that you're look more stronger, Bates was way stronger, taller, and more calculating. When you first meet him, he even convinced you that he was alive. You dated him for a while without your parents knowing. Then he killed you when you least expected it. That was when you found out he was a ghost who had been alive for at least a century. He used to be a mob boss who was killed in his office, which was turned into an apartment building in your time. After your death, it was abandoned.

"Very well." He decided, wrapping an arm around your waist and using a finger to hold your chin up to look at him, "You will not say anything about me to them, righto?"

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded as he let you go, "Good, now go on."

Hurring away when he let you go, you rushed to where you could hear your parents talking. The other four people were setting up the equipment. Looking at the strangers, you paused when you saw a woman, dressed like an old fashion fortune teller, looking at you in curiosity. She blinked at you with wide eyes before tapping your mother's shoulders.

"He's here." She whispered, "Your son is here."

Almost instantly, the other people started pulling out cameras and a recording device. The man who seemed to be taking charge, stepped forwards with a camera in his hands.

"(Y/N), if you're here, give us a sign." The man spoke, making you grin as the camera pointed at you.

"I'm here." You called waving at the camera, "Mom, Dad I'm here!"

Everyone's eyes went wide as they went to the table in a group, "Did you hear that? Let's play it back."

Blinking in shock, you watched as they replayed the recording. The only sound they got was your faint voice saying here and mom. It's a start at least.

"Alright, let's call him to communicate. Madam Lizanne, if you will start." The man ordered as they gathered around the table to hold hands.

The fortune teller woman let out a breath, before she spoke a small chant that you didn't understand, "If the ghost of (Y/N) is with us please speak to me. Answer our questions."

You hesitated before putting your hand there. Blinking at her as she seemed to shiver, then she smiled.

"He is here." She spoke, earning smiles from your parents, "(Y/N), what happened to you?"

You hesitated, before looking around. If you give too much information to them, Bates will be furious, but how much is too much? Decided to test those waters, you answered her.

"I was murdered." She repeated your words, earning a sob from your mother.

"(Y/N), how were you murdered?" she asked, reminded you of the night Bates stabbed you.

"False love." You answered, glancing across the table at your parents, but freezing when you saw Bates glaring at you.

The room seemed to get darker, and you could now see every living person's breath. Many of them went pale as if they could tell that danger was nearby.

"False love?" He growled, moving through the table to tower over you, "False love? What were we then? What were all the things we did? What did you think I was just bad news? Do you still think I'm bad news?"

"I didn't say that Bates," You tried to defend yourself, "people in love don't kill each other though."

"I did it because you are mine." He roared, pushing you back away from Madam Lizanne, "You're not splitting from me. I'm real gone for you, (Y/N). That's why you had to sleep with the fishes. You were the one who was fast though, and you loved everything we did."

"I didn't know you were a ghost, or I wouldn't have done that stuff." You yelled back, making him go quiet as he suddenly calmed down.

"Well, ain't that a bite." he muttered, grabbing Madam Lizanne's shoulder, "(Y/N) is mine. Leave now."

At his words, Madam Lizanne screamed as she jumped away from the table. Her eyes wide as she looked between you and Bates. She was pale and shaking in fear. 

"Bates." She whispered, "Bates is here. A darker, possessive spirit of a mafia boss. He said your son belongs to him now. He's attached to (Y/N)'s spirit."

You heard your mother's sobs while you saw your father try to comfort her. The others were trying to get everything on camera. Bates on the other hand, looked annoyed as he moved closer to Madam Lizanne.

"What a wet rag." He snapped before back handing her.

She was sent across the room, earning screams from everyone else, before they started scurrying out of the room. They left their equipment but managed to drag the unconscious Madam Lizanne out with them. That left you and Bates once again.

"Now that the Bird Dogs they're gone," He snapped moving towards you and blocking you in when you're back hit the wall, "It's time I showed you why I was a Mafia Don."

Righto- Understand/okay.

Bad news- Person who is difficult to be around.

Split/Splitting- to leave.

Real gone- Head over heels in love with

Sleeping with the fishes- Murdered/dead

Fast- Person who allowed dating relationship to get physical quickly.

Ain't that a bite- That's too bad.

Wet reg- Person who puts a damper on someone else's fun.

Bird Dog- Someone who steals other people's significant partners.

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