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Terrified of the surrounding gray abyss, you wished you knew what was going on. The only thing you can only make out dark shadow of a woman in front of you.  When she walked closer to you, you instantly felt comforted when she held your face in her hands. You could feel how cold she was and the even colder chains around her wrists.

"Starshine, I love you and your Daddy so much." She whispered, almost sounding like she was crying, " Stay close to him and your uncles. They will protect you. Please don't hate me for this."

Grabbing her hands, you hated how that sounded like a goodbye. She makes you feel safe. Something you haven't really felt in a long time.

"Where are you going?" Your voice sounds like a child's. 

"To keep you safe." She whispered, "You'll be okay. I love you."

You opened your mouth to ask her the question again, but only screamed when you heard a blaster shot. The woman falling before you.

"No!" Sitting up with a gasp, you looked around.

It was just a dream or a memory. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you wiggled out of your sleeping bag to get ready for the day. Making sure that your knives and blasters were in prime shape for a fight. Looking up as your tent opened you glanced down at the worried look of your boyfriend.

You don't really know his name, due to a ship crash that caused you to lose some of your memories. Everyone says that it's best if you don't know his name though. To keep everyone safe in case you were ever captured. You know he's a royal though, so you just call him Majesty.

"I heard you screaming across the camp." He attempted to tease as he sat by you, "Another nightmare?"

You nodded, looking down, "It was my mother, I guess. I don't really know though. I don't even remember what she looks like."

"Your Dad hasn't shown you holograms?" You shook your head, making his golden eyes look down, "Well, they might be painful for him to look at. I know you'll get to see her one day though."

"Your Majesty, she was shot." You tried not to growl at his optimism, "No one can survive a blaster shot."

"I don't think they killed her." He admitted, with a small smile, "I told you I was in the war with your mom, dad and uncles, right? Well, I've seen your mom on the verge of death many times and she always came back to us. She's too stubborn to die, exactly like you."

Gasping at him, you grabbed your pillow and hit him with it, "You may be a royal, but I can still fight you and win for saying that."

"Sure, you can." He laughed grabbing your wrists to get you to stop then kissing your nose, "My point is your mom is a lot like you. I'm sure she's still alive and I'll make sure one day you, your dad, and mom are together again."

That's something you love about him. His is very cheerful, even in a rebellion.  Letting out a sigh, you grinned at him.

"I'll hold that to you then, Your Highness." You chuckled, flicking the amulet around his neck to watch the blue liquid inside swirl.

"No touchy." He huffed, tucking it into his shirt, "If I lose the only thing that keeps me young, my people will throw a fit."

Rolling your eyes, you smirked at him as you recited his words, "Only because your people don't want there to be a power struggle if this war goes on for too long. Basically, you it so you won't die of old age. I know all that."

"Exactly. I know it's shiny, but don't touch it." He nodded, nudging your shoulder with his playfully, "Now let's go. The Sergeant wants to go over the plan again before we split."

"Fine." You sighed moving to leave the tent, but stopped when he grabbed your arm, "What?"

"One more thing." He chuckled, kissing your cheek, "I'll give you a real kiss when we leave."

"That or now, when my dad can't see us." You smirked, kissing him, "Thank you. For always making me feel better."

"At least I can make you feel a little better. The Sergeant would kill me if he knew we were dating." He sighed, as you both left the tent.

Smiling, you wrapped an arm around his waist as he wrapped on around your shoulders. It's normal for you two to be physically close like this so you know your dad won't be suspicious of this.

"It's why we're not telling him," You reminded him, pausing in your tracks when you saw other aliens running around to load supplies into different ships.

"Sergeant, what's going on?" His Majesty asked, when you finally saw your dad.

"A surveillance drone was spotted." He answered before turning to you, "We have to leave now." 

Watching him go into the ship, you turned to His Majesty with a frown. Hugging him back when he hugged you tightly. His grey skin was slightly warm which made you feel a little better. You're tired of always leaving him. This is war though.

"Hey, give it time and it will be over." He assured you, "We're already close to the end. Just a little longer."

Letting out a breath, you nodded against his shoulder. Giving him a quick kiss before your dad or uncles could see. It was enough to get a smile from him. 

"Go on. I'll see you at the end of the war." He kissed your hand before letting you go, "I love you."

"I love you too." You grinned, "I'll see you at the end."

Giving him another wave, you ran to the ship. Sitting down by your dad and flipping the switches to turn the ship on.

"That was a long goodbye." He hummed, making you tense slightly, but you relaxed just as fast.

He was in the first war so you know he can pick up on some body language. You have to admit that it's been a little hard hiding your relationship with His Majesty. The two of you manage though.

"It just gets harder to leave your friends." You sighed, looking at your dad as his clawed hand grabbed yours.

"I understand. It will be over soon, Starshine." He promised, making you hope that your dad and your boyfriend were right.

Monsters x Reader one shotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara