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                    •[So Close]•

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                    •[So Close]•

Y/N sat at the edge of Gojo's bed. She took in every tiny detail of the room as best she could before she leaves. She doesn't know if it was out of curiosity or out of something else, but it's something.

She noticed how everything is in place and organized. Y/N glanced up when the bathroom door opened and smiled. Gojo made his way over to her with a huge smile onto his face and something in his hand.

"I found it!" Gojo came out of the bathroom waving around the coconut oil.

"Coconut Oil." Y/N nodded and then chuckled. "What do you use it for?"

Gojo took a seat and glanced around the room. "Well...my hair."

"It's half empty and you wouldn't need much or else your hair would be too greasy."

"I also use it for massages."

"Massages? Who gives you massages if you live alone? Do you live alone?" She queries. Gojo felt like he's in an interrogation beging asked so many questions. He lightly chuckle and dismissed her.

"Anyways legs on my lap." He says patting his thighs. gaining a laugh from Y/N. It's all she's been doing tonight and he feels like he had become Mayor. Gojo took her shoes off and next the bandage what Nanami had placed on earlier when everyone stopped by. Y/N bit her bottom lip to not make any audible noise. Gojo took a look at her right ankle and was shocked.

"It's swollen and all red."

"I-it wasn't like that when Nanami checked it earlier. It was a bit swollen, yes, but it wasn't red."

"Maybe because you were walking on it part of the night." Gojo hummed and clasps his hands together. "Well don't have fear dear one. I am the doctor here." He says with a grin. Y/N smiled at his childlike behavior and sat back. She eyed the ceiling and had began to zone out before a sudden rush of pain coursed through her leg and up to her brain.

"Hey easy." She sat up, touching his upper arm. Their eyes locked for a second before Gojo placed his attention back to what he was doing.

"Sorry." He mutters. Y/N stared at him and took in every detail. His hair fall neatly over his forehead. The way his fingers gently rubbed circular motions on her skin made her feel relaxed. However...this was not working.


"Hmm?" Y/N felt flustered. He hadn't looked up, he was too focused on trying to not hurt her. He's savoring this moment.

"Umm Gojo. That's still hurting. Ice is better, but I did enjoy the little massage session." She assured him. Gojo scoffs playfully and gently moved her foot away.

"I don't really know how to treat a sprain ankle. I've never had one before."

"Just ice."

"Right right. I'll be back."

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now