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Y/N made it back to the apartment with the bottle in her hand. She's very nervous about it but she hopes it works so Gojo would feel a bit better. She'd have to find Ying and thank her again for her offer.

Y/N exhales, closing the door behind her with a light thud echoing the place. She feels bad about taking Yings nightly dosage but...but Gojo needs it. She'll be selfish just this once.

Y/N called out for Gojo as she made her way upstairs and to her room. She kept sneaking glances at the bottle every time she took a step upwards in contemplation.

Y/N reached her room and opened the door. She glanced around, not seeing him in the room.

"Gojo?" She calls again as she made her way over to the bed, placing the brown paper bag of snacks onto the bed. She exhales and glanced over at the bathroom door.

Her heartbeat picked up. She felt like something was off and it scared her lots. Y/N swallowed hard and slowly made her way towards the bathroom. She heard faint sniffling and sobbing as she got closer and closer.

Y/N felt a presence behind her but was too late to react before she felt her body being shoved hard against the wall.

"Where the hell have you been?!!" Gojo screamed. Y/N got so scared that she just had to scream. She thought he was in the bathroom, not waiting for her beside the dresser.

"WHERE!?" He screams. Y/N yelped, turning her head away from him as spittle of spit flew from his mouth. Gojo slammed her back against the wall harder this time causing Y/N to bring tears to her eyes.

"You had me here by myself with no one to take care of me and my situation. I was in pain, crying and looking for you because I though you left me here all alone!" He cries with a sob.

Y/N looked at him, examining his once perfect features. His eyes are red and puffy, his nose, snotty, his skin, pale, he's sweating and not to mention his eyes. They look...empty, dead and lost.

"I-I was out getting w-what you need." She answers. Gojo still held her tightly by her arms, staring at her in fear, pain and anger. "I was just getting what you need. I'd never leave you like this." She states quickly. However, Gojo digging his fingers into her upper arms were getting unbearable for her.

"Please let me go, you're hurting me." She states lowly behind a wince. Gojo's hold loosened, then he went from holding her arms to hugging her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I just thought you left a-and I panicked. I was so scared." He whispers.

"I'm sorry for leaving you here but, but I had to. Gojo, look at me." She shoved him back, wiping the tears from his cheek. "You're going to be fine. We'll figure this out, and not to mention I have a solution." She says smiling faintly.

Gojo wiped his nose with the back of his hand and watched her. Y/N went over to the bag and pulled out the Dextromethorphan. She exhaled and showed it to him.

"I found something that might help." She handed him the bottle. He sniffled, taking the bottle from her hand and examining it.

"It's Dextromethorphan. Apparently it's a cold medicine. However it is said that Dextromethorphan are becoming a threat to kids so they're taking it off of the market." She explains. Gojo popped the cap off and took a sniff. He scrunched his face at the smell and glanced at Y/N.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now