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•[Let It Happen]•

The next night Y/N received a call at two in the morning. She scrunched her face and fished for her phone. She took her phone from under the pillow and looked at the person calling.

It was just a number, a number she didn't recognize. "Shut it uuuup." Nobara groans loud enough for Y/N to hear. She even threw a pillow on the floor to her.

Y/N answered then answered the call, curios as to who it could be. When she answered she was surprised.

"Meet me at the vending machine; I want to talk."

Gojo hung up afterwards and waited. Y/N sighed exhaustedly. She threw her covers off of her and got up, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

Making her way out she stepped on Maki's leg causing her to Yelp out of her sleep in pain.

"Sorry, sorry." Y/N quickly apologizes in a whisper.

Maki grumbled under her breath but quickly went to sleep. Y/N made it out if the room and sighed. She checked the time, seeing that it was near three in the morning.

She had been avoiding Gojo ever since that night. She wanted to apologize but was too embarrassed to do so, so she avoided him every time he'd stop by to drop food or hang with the rest of Itadori those.

Y/N watched the moon follow her as she dragged her bare feet along the cold floor. She should've worn her night shoes, but too late now.

Y/N wanted to know why Gojo would even be calling her this late at night. But it's good timing, and bad timing, since she wants to apologize for what she did anyways.

When Y/N got to the machine she saw Gojo sitting down with his back against the pillar. The moon illuminated him, casting his shadow in front of him.

His head is up against the wall with his eyes closed, and arms crossed. Looks like he's sleeping. When Y/N stopped in her tracks Gojo pointed across from him.

"Sit." He orders.

Y/N glanced at where he pointed and took a seat after a minute of contemplating his intentions. She exhales, folding her legs and having her shoulder rest against the machine since it's heated.

Gojo peel his eyes open, looking at Y/N. He stretched his foot out, his legs being long enough to reach her ankle. He kept the other one up, resting an elbow into it.

Y/N studied him. For the past three days he's been in the same clothing, that being his uniform. But tonight he's dressed different and that kind of scared her. It made her feel like she was unprepared for what he's about to say or do.

"Hi." He says. Y/N didn't know if she wanted to laugh or get annoyed. However she responded.


"Sorry to wake you up from your sleep by the way. I just wanted to have company for a while." He states gently.

"Oh, uh...okay." It got quiet and Y/N felt awkward. Right here at this very vending machine had she touched herself at the thought of him. Then it hit her. What if that's the reason why he bought her here?! To talk about that night?!

"Uh, look. I-I know why you bought me out here a-and I'm sorry. I was drunk and I didn't know what was going on. I-I didn't even knew it was you you know? I thought I was dreaming like last time and I just want to say that it was a mistake and I'm sorry for doing that in front of you." Y/N quickly explains.

Y/N exhales, putting her face in her hands. She's such an idiot. She should've apologized the next morning if she wanted to avoid this.

Gojo only grinned. "I don't care about that, but it did have me thinking." He finally says. Y/N raised her head, looking at him.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now