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•[Just Once]•

When Y/N came home that evening her best friend was sitting on the couch enjoying a show since she's had a long day at work. She deserved a break. Y/N huffed and went straight to her room, slamming the door shut. Alisha jumped, cutting the TV down a bit, wondering what in the world had just taken place in just ten seconds. Soon Nanami stepped in. He held a worried expression behind the smug look on his face.

He took a seat on the armrest chair and took off his glasses, throwing his head back and parting his lips to let out a tired sigh. Alisha glanced between the stairs and Nanami. She quickly made a deduction that her best friend and her boyfriend had just gotten into an argument. But she was wrong. It was more of, best friend and ex boyfriend.

Alisha straightened herself. "Did you do something to my best-friend?" She asks throwing a chip into her mouth. She was giving him the eyes that said, "you may be my boyfriend but I will hurt you for my best-friend". Nanami raised his head, exhaling. Alisha was a bit disappointed that he did since he looked sexy in that position, but that can always come her way.

Nanami ran a hand over his face. "It was Gojo."

"What?! When?! What the fuck did he say to my best-friend. I swear I'll kick his ass right-

"It was a slight disagreement that's all. Nothing too serious." In his opinion. "And darling I've told you before about the cussing."

Alisha bit her bottom lip. "Wait dont you cuss? Wouldn't that make you a hypocrite?"

"I cuss when necessary."

"This is necessary."

Nanami finally looked at her through his fingers. Hed been massaging his temples lightly. "You're trying to be smart with me again. It won't work this time; and you know why I don't like to hear you cuss."

She rolled her eyes. "Because I'm a lady." She mocks in a high pitch tone causing him to frown.

"You can cuss just not around me."

Upon seeing his expression she got up from her seat and pranced over to him, taking a seat on his lap. His arms wrap around her waist to hold her firmly in place. For a moment the stared at each other.

Alisha leant in and placed a kiss onto his lips. The kiss was about to get a bit more heated before Nanami pulled away. "We're not doing this here while Y/N is upstairs. It'd be rude."

"Mmm, well she and Gojo always-

"Why do you always compare us to them? That's a bit..." He shrugs.

"I was just saying, no need to get grumpy about it." She grins, playfully slapping his arm. "Anyways, tell me what really happened because I know there's more."

Nanami gave Alisha a summary of what played out. Telling her about McKenzie and the guys and why Y/N and Gojo began to argue a bit. She scoffed when he was done explaining.

"I can't believe him. Even after all this time he still has his ways." Alisha shook her head in disappointment. She had mixed feelings about Gojo the entire time, but she doesn't know what to feel when it comes to him anymore. Nanami chewed the inside of his cheek. He's been holding a particular piece of information from Y/N and really wanted to tell her when they were making their way back but didn't know how to say it, or what to start with.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now