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Y/N, Nobara, Alisha and Maki are braiding each other's hair. Nobara is doing Maki's hair, Maki is doing Alisha's hair and Alisha is doing Y/N's hair.

"Oh boy, what will we do with her?" Nobara asks with a shake if her head after Y/N filled them in on why she was absent for so long.

"Throw her in a friggin mental hospital." Alisha suggests.

"Maybe you all are being to harsh on Y/N." Maki says.

"See, Maki, you weren't really there like that to know what's going on with Y/N and Gojo." Alisha says. "That's why you're not saying what Nobara and I are saying."

"I know enough."

"Yeah, like him being on drugs?" Alisha snorts.

"Uh, yeah. Nobara told me." She responds. Alisha stopped for a bit and shrugged.

"Oh. Well if you're all caught up why aren't you giving her a hard time? We all know she needs therapy for the choices she makes."

Y/N exhales. "Doesn't matter, he don't do drugs anymore."

Maki scoffs. "Is that why you went back to him? Because you feel sorry for him or something?"

It got quiet. Y/N never thought of it as simply feeling sorry. She genuinely still loves him. Well that's what she thinks.

"Or is it because after you found out that he didn't actually cheat on you with Veronica you decided to get back with him." Alisha chimes in softly.

"But he did...just not on that night." She whispers.

Alisha paused. "I say stay with Geto. He's done nothing but treat you like a Queen and make you feel good about yourself." Alisha says after hearing Y/N's words.

"Maybe it wasn't the right choice?" She asks herself.

"I've never been in love before, but...whatever floats your boat Y/N."

"You all are no help." Y/N sulks.

"W-how?! See this is how you got here in the first place." Alisha says. "You never want to listen to people, you only ever listen to what you want to hear and it just doesn't work that way. You've heard this all before so why aren't you getting it?"

Y/N got up and went over to the mirror. "What if it was Nanami? Then how would you feel?"

"But Nanami isn't like Gojo, therefore you can't compare them." Alisha scoffs.

"Well just put yourself in my shoes then!" She argues.

"How will my feet fit? You're not the same shoe size as me." Alisha jokes. Y/N scoffed and shook her head.

"This is not a joke, I'm asking for advice and you're joking around!"

"We are giving you advice, we've been giving you advice and you just wouldn't fucking accept it!" Alisha argues back.

Y/N scoffs. "All you ever do is tell me not to be with him, and I get that! He cheated on me, so fucking what?! Couples get back together when they realize their wrong doings and he still loves me!"

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now