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Gojo rushed Veronica and grabbed her by the neck, squeezing hard as he shot daggers into her eyes. If looks could kill she would've been dead the moment he spotted her.

"Sir release her now!"

The paramedics were long gone, not taking another second to wait on him when their patient is hanging on to dear life.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you." He says. However it was so low that it sent chills down her spine as if he said it in her ear.

"G-gojo..." She forced out, holding his hand.

"Release her now or we'll be force to shoot!"

Everyone standing there watching in shock and intrigue, gasped when a huge gust of wind whipped them. Seconds later they couldn't see Gojo or Veronica.

"Holy shit."

They glanced upwards and saw them high in the air.

"You took everything away from me. My money, my ego, my life. And you made me something everyone will forever remember. A stupid addict that did nothing right."

Veronica glanced down as she tried to claw her way out of his grip. She was just visiting Geto to say hi. She wasn't planning on staying here long at all.

And now here she is, in the arms of the man who's gotten stronger in just a few seconds.

"And to add to the fule, you try to kill her because I'm happy now?"

"I-I...didn't...mean it." She wheezes. Veronica can feel herself lose consciousness for a second.

"Heh...go fuck yourself." Gojo brought his arm back, bringing her with it. And like he was throwing a rock, Gojo tossed her downward with immense force.


Gojo reached the hospital thirty minutes later. He watched Veronica drop and he didn't care for what happened to her after that. Fuck her.

He called Nanami on his way here and the man didn't answer. He called him fifteen fucking times and he didn't answer.

Why not? Why is it that when he calls he never fucking answers? Gojo called one more time and decided to leave a voice message.

"Fucking bastard. I'm calling you and calling you and your old ass wouldn't fucking answer. Y/N's currently in the hospital and you're home fucking?! Answer the goddamn phone Kento! I don't care if you didn't show up to my pity party tonight or anyone for that fucking matter, but this is Y/N. Show the fuck up for this one!"

Gojo hung up the phone and exhaled. He lied though. He did care about whether or not Nanami showed up to his party. And everyone else for that matter.

Gojo quickly went to the front desk. "Can you tell me where Y/N L/N is being held?"

"Who are you?"

"Her fucking husband, she was in an accident and I don't have time to be playing this game right now. So just tell me what room she's being held in, before I fucking reckless."

The lady rolled her eyes and typed at her keyboard. Gojo was getting more and more impatient.

"Room 107. Second floor."

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now