Chapter 1

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Astrid's pov:

"Derek it's 3 in the fucking morning! I know that I'm your best friend, but man, you can't buzz in like that!" I was yelling at the 15 years old boy standing in front of me.

"Look, I'm sorry but it's really important" he said out of breath. he must have run here.

"Spill it"

"So it's about Paige, I was thinking that I should ask her out but I don't know how and I think I need your help" he said looking at me with his green puppy eyes.

"so you're telling me that you woke me up in the middle of the night just because you don't know how to ask your crush out?!" I was saying, more like yelling, pissed.

"pleeeeease! Peter is an asshole and he doesn't want to help me!"

"Derek, go to sleep, you can sleep in the guest room if you want, I'll think tomorrow about it and I'll tell you, ok?" I asked thinking at only one thing, going back to sleep.

"ok, and I'll take the guest room, thanks by the way " he said with a sleepy face.

"no problem Der, go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow" I said with a small smile and Derek went to his room.

'So where was I? Oh yeah, my beautiful sleep' I was thinking before falling asleep again.

<in the morning>

I woke up at 6 am because I had classes to get to. I'm in college, my last year actually. I'm studying for the police department. I want to work with my brother one day, Rafael McCall, he's a FBI agent. He's 36, sixteen years older than me. Yeah, I know, I'm 20 and I'm finishing college. I didn't cheat or something but I had already a lot of knowledge about the job and I could finish earlier. Back to Raf, he's married to a beautiful woman, Melissa, and they have a cute little boy, Scott, my nephew. I just love him! He's so adorable! It's quite a shame that Raf and Mel don't get along anymore, they were perfect together until my stupid brother of mine started drinking.

Anyways, I put some music on and I began to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes because who doesn't like them? I looked at the clock and I was that it's 6:30 and I went to Derek's room to wake him up.

"Derek, wake up buddy"

"As... I want to sleep..." he said mostly growling.

"Derek, I made breakfast, come on bud" I was insisting on him waking up.

"mhmmmmm" he said sleepy and then he smelled the air."PANCAKES?!" he shouted and got of the bed. He ran to the kitchen to find two plates with pancakes on the table. He sat down at the table and began to eat.

"As, your pancakes are amazing!" he said with his mouth full.

"Thanks bud" I said laughing.

We finished eating and Derek went to his bathroom to have a quick shower while I was doing my make-up in mine. Nothing complicated, mascara and a bit of lipstick. I went to the closet and choose my outfit for today, a black pair of ripped jeans and a green baggy t-shirt that was the same colour as my eyes.

"Derek, you ready?" I yelled as I was walking out of my room.

"Yeah, coming!"

I took my bag and handed Derek a backpack with two notebooks and some pencils in it. He looked at me amused.

"hey, you don't have books or any school stuff at my place and I don't want Talia to be pissed that you didn't have anything for school, so take this." I said as he finally took the backpack.

I grabbed my keys and he went to my car, a black Audi RS7. Derek got in as I the same and I start driving.

"so" I started talking "Paige, huh?"

"Yeaaah, she's amazing, she's the best girl in the world and she's just, wow, I feel different when I'm with her, I feel like I'm floating and I don't want to stay away from her" he said all in a breath looking at the road.

"wow, so it's that serious. Honestly I think that you should tell her what you just told me, tell her everything that you like about her and do it somewhere special, you know?" I said paying attention to the traffic. "Take her somewhere where you feel safe and free, somewhere really meaningful to you and tell her everything you want to, then ask her to be your girlfriend"

"you're right! I'll take her somewhere special, where she's never been!" he said with so much excitement in his eyes.

"just don't take her to your bed, ok bud? I know that you want that too, but wait till things get more settled so she won't feel uncomfortable"i said laughing slightly.

"ASTRID!" Derek yelled as he punched my shoulder as I parked at his high-school . "I'm not a pervert, I would never want to make her uncomfortable, I love her too much to do that!"

"I was just kidding Der, I know you like her, soooo, since she's right there, go and talk to her!" I said pointing at Paige that was sitting alone on a bench. It was 7:45 so she's most likely waking for someone or wanting for the time to pass to get to class."Gooo!"i pushed Derek out of the car."Byeeee!"

"Bye As!" he said and I saw him walking towards her and sitting down next to her.

But even if I wanted to see what happens next, I had to drive to college. I arrived at 7:55 so I had 5 minutes till the hell begins.

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