Chapter 18

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Peter's pov.

I was shocked actually, I didn't have enough words to describe how I felt about the fact that she trusted me. That means she felt safe around me? 'Damn, that feels powerful actually, Astrid fucking McCall to trust me enough for me to take her anywhere.' I was actually satisfied with the thought of that.

She looked at me again and she let out a small laugh.

"what?" she asked being aware of my speechless reaction.

"I'm just, I don't know how to explain, I'm happy? I guess? that you trust me" I said not really knowing how to explain all my emotions.

"Come on Pete, get over it" she said punching my arm playfully.

I laughed too, I don't even know why, I just love to see her happy. We say that we're just friends but we both know that that's not true, and eventually and hopefully, she'll realise that I do like her and I'm not that 'fuckboy' anymore.

I saw Astrid messing with the radio and she eventually found a song that she liked and I heard her starting singing.

"'Feels so good being bad
There's no way I'm turning back
Now the pain is for pleasure
'Cause nothing can measure
Love is great, love is fine
Out the box, outta Line"

"The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more" I said vibing with her and she started giggling.

"You know Rihanna!" she said laughing.

"Oh please, I live in the same house as Laura, of course I know Rihanna." I said and we started laughing even more.

We started joking around and laughing even harder until something came on the road. I pressed the breaks as hard as I could and I stopped few centimetres away from that thing. Astrid jumped out of the the car, like literally jumped and went behind the car to see what was that.

"It's a puppy" she said looking at the little thing with so much simpathy in her eyes "It's a doberman, I don't understand how it got here, these dogs are kinda expensive" she continued while looking to see if the dog was injured.

We eventually found a deep wound in the back of the front leg and we assumed that the owner was abusing it. "How can someone hurt such a cute little puppy" I heard Astrid saying pissed. Poor little thing. I don't like dogs in general, I think that they're kinda stupid but seeing Astrid taking care of it, it made me care too.

"You are going to be fine, Gorgeous" she said patting the puppy on its head.

"How do you plan to name it?" I asked while I took the dog and put it in the back seats.

"Well obviously it's a she, she's a female, but I don't know yet" she said with a smile while patting the puppy and making cute faces.

"Who's a good girl?" she began talking to the puppy? for fucks sake McCall you are both cute and weird. "You are a brave girl, you little cutie" she said and the puppy began to lick her cheek. "You're adorable little one" she said giggling and then she looked at me. "what?"

"You're weird" I said while laughing at her reaction.

"I'm not wEiRd, I talk in puppy language" she said smiling.

"Whatever you say darling" I said and I got in the car. But as soon as we wanted to close the doors, the puppy started barking sofly and Astrid got off to get in the back.

"Peter, listen" she said when she got off. Indeed, another soft bark was coming from the bushes. Astrid went carefully towards it and when she turned around, I could see another puppy in her arms. "Pete, look" she said with a small voice looking at the puppy's back leg. 'it was broken'. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this" she said and her eyes were slowly turning yellow but something was different about them, the yellow was more like cold than the warm colour most of us have. 'it must be the light' I thought to myself not trying to make a big deal out of it.

She took the puppy and put it next to the other one. "He's a boy, a good boy" she said sofly patting the puppy. "Let's go to Deaton's" she said and we both entered the car. Few minutes passed but the quiet was so loud, I could only hear our breathing and the puppy's.

"I'm going to keep them, both" she said firmly.

"ok" I said and I continued looking out the window since Astrid wanted to drive. "As..."

"Yeah?" she answered without talking her eyes off the road.

"What are you?" I asked slowly.

"What do you mean? I'm like you Pete, a werewolf" she said with a slight laugh. "Why are you asking that Pete?"

"You're clearly something else" I said putting all the information I had about her head to head."You have a wolf form, you somehow scream louder than everybody else around us, not to mention that your scream makes every werewolf around feel dizzy, and your eyes are a cold yellow instead of a warm one like mine." I spilled the facts leaving both of us speechless.

"if you put it like that, yeah, it might sound special but unfortunately I'm not, sorry to disappoint you" she said with a fake smile.'Damn it Peter, you made sad, great job!' I said to myself when I watched her face change. If Astrid is not good at something, is at hiding her emotions from me, she might trick everyone, but not me.

"As... I didn't mean to..." I started but I got cut off. I didn't mean to upset her. The truth is that we don't really know who her parents are, she and Raf are step brothers from what Talia told me but apparently Astrid doesn't know that so her origins are basically unknown.

"We arrived" she said and she took the dogs in her arms, then she entered the building. "Alan!" she yelled as she walked in.

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