Chapter 2

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Astrid's pov.

<after classes>

After 7 boring hours I could finally go to the Hale house. Talia is like a mother to me, I always go to hers after classes to train. I took the car and I started driving to the house.

After 10 minutes I was in front of the Hale house door. I opened it and I walked into the house. Like I said, Talia is like a mother to me so I can feel free to come to her house whenever, even if she's home or not. I made myself go to the fridge where I fount an iced coffee. It was unexpectedly quiet. I knew that Derek was out with Paige, but what about the rest of them?

I went to the training room where I could find Laura, Talia's oldest child.

"Heey! " I said while going to hug her.

"Astrid! I didn't hear you coming in!" she said hugging me back."How are you?"

"I'm actually fine thanks for asking! I'm thinking about the finals a lot lately"

"Oh come on! you don't have to worry! you're the best in the class, you'll do just great!" she said looking at me.

"Thanks for that Laura, I needed some support." I said showing a small smile. "Now come on, I came here to train"

"Actually, I was just leaving, sorry about this, but I can tell Peter that you're here and maybe he'll come to train with you" she said picking her things up and giving me a smirk.

"What was that smirk for?"

"Oh come on As, I know that something is between the two of you, you just don't realise it yet" she said leaving.

I sighted and I went to the punching bag. I started to train alone when someone entered the room and no, it wasn't Peter, it was Talia.

"Hi As!" she said smiling.

"Talia! Hi!" I said returning the smile. "so what are we doing today?"

"I was thinking about wolf to wolf fight" she said still thinking about her idea. Talia is an alpha so she has a wolf form. Don't get me wrong, not all alphas have one, she's quite special. I do too have a wolf form but I'm not an alpha. I'm just a werewolf from what I know, but Talia always treats me like I'm something more than that.

"sure, I mean, we hadn't done this in a while"

"you're ready?" she asked ready to turn.

"yeah" and by that, we both turned into wolves. Talia had black fur and red eyes when I had white fur and black eyes.

We started fighting. She jumped at my throat but I was faster and I jumped over her biting the back of her next. She freed herself quickly and pulled me by my back leg. I hit her in the nose, getting myself back on my paws. I jumped at her making her think that I was going to attack her back legs, but I changed my direction in the last seconds, jumping over and biting the back of the neck making a little scratch. She pulled herself back and bit my back, leaving a red stain in my white fur. I didn't give up and I run towards her pushing her down grabbing her neck with my teeth, but in the time of a blink, she was dragging me by my back, the red staring getting bigger. I rolled over and pushed her off me with my back legs and ran to bite her front leg. I successfully did that, but not without another bite in my back.

We shifted back and I could feel the burn in my back.

"Better than the last time. You surprised me a couple of times so well done Astrid!" Talia said to me

"Tanks Talia, but I might need to take a shower" I said looking at me though the huge mirror on the wall.

"No problem, I was going to say the same thing, but you have to use Peter's shower" she said without showing any emotion so I couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but after a couple of seconds I realised that she was talking seriously.

"oh, ummm, okay?" I said nervously and I left the trading room.

I walked to Peter's room. I felt kinda embarrassed like what am I supposed to say? 'Hey Peter, your sister said to use your shower because from an unknown reason I can't use anyone else's bathroom so I might have to ask you for a towel.' Yeaaah, I can't say that.

I knocked on his door, but no response.

"Peter?" I asked quietly while opening the door.

"Hm?" he said while talking his eyes off the phone. "Oh hi sweetheart, what brings you here?"

' ok, here comes the question' "Peter, would you mind if I would use your bathroom to take a shower?" I said while looking at him right in the eyes. He was looking at me confused not knowing what to say. 'Great, good job Astrid, you broke him!'

"What?" he finally said still looking at me.

"You know what, never mind, I'll take a shower at home, sorry for interrupting you Peter." I said as I wanted to leave his room.

"No, no, that's not what I meant, I didn't know if you are serious or not. Of course you can use my bathroom sweetheart" he said giving me a small smile.

"Oh, in that case, thanks Pete" I said smiling at him before I entered the bathroom.

I started the water and I let the warm little rain hit my skin. After I finished I realised something, I didn't have a towel. 'Great, just great'.

"Peter!" I yelled from the bathroom.

"Yes sweetheart?" he yelled back.

"I forgot to take a towel with me, could you please give me one?" I said while hoping him not to be a pervert and look.

"Sure thing!" he said while opening the door just to hand me a black towel.

I wrapped it around my body and I left the bathroom.

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