Chapter 27

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Astrid's pov.

I helped the boys to do their bags, it's not like we're going on the moon or something, but I don't want to come to Mel's house to take Scott's long jeans in case it gets cold, or Stiles a t-shirt because the other one got dirty, you know what I mean. They're both clumsy, especially Stiles, so anything can happen.

I took the boys bags and Scott took his baseball bat with him. "Why are you taking it with you?" I asked amused while going down the stairs with them behind me.

"To protect you!" he said serious.

"Do you know how to use that?" asked Stiles with his big judging eyes.

"Ummm... no? but it's useful I think so why not?"

"Okok, let's end this conversation here" I said laughing and opening the from door.

"That is your car?" asked Scotty while looking at the modified Mustang GT parked in front of his house.

"Yup" I said while putting the bags in the trunk.

"It's fine, I guess, my dad promised to get me a blue jeep when I'll be older" said Stiles with a sassy voice. He's going to be such a sass king when he'll grow up.

"It will be amazing, aunt Astrid, Stiles is going to give me rides with his jeep, we already talked about all of that" said Scotty while getting in the back seats with Stiles.

"Yeah, we're going to be best friends forever" said Stiles and they clapped their hands.

I stared driving while the boys talked in the back seats and I heard them stating to sing from the radio and to be honest I didn't know what song it was so I just turned the volume up since they clearly liked it.

"The dark of the alley, the breaking of day
The head while I'm driving, I'm driving
Soft lips are open, knuckles are pale
Feels like you're dying, you're dying
You" they began to sing and something about the song didn't feel right. "YOUR SEX IS ON FIRE" they both yelled and I remembered the song and I quickey turned the music down.

"OK young men, who taught you this song? It's quite inappropriate for your age" I said while looking at them through the mirror and I saw them laughing. I stopped the car in front of my house and the boys stood a little bit shocked in front of it while I was taking their bags. "Are you going to keep staring or you'll come in?" I said laughing from the door way.

"Coming" they both yelled as they entered the house and I saw them both looking at every single detail.

"Wanna see something cool?" I asked and they both nodded. "Chaos, Grace!" I yelled and the puppies came to us. "This is Chaos" I said pointing at the black one "and this is Grace" I said pointing at the brown one.

"Wow" they said and they started patting the dogs. "Aunt Astrid, they're so cute" said Stiles with Grace in his lap.

"Hey, Astrid is my aunt" said Scott looking at Stiles.

"She's my aunt too" Stiles responded and their little argument made me giggle.

"I'm both of yours aunt" I said while messing with their hair.

"Does that mean..." began Stiles "That we're brothers?" ended Scott but before I could say anything they started talking about the fact that they're brothers "separated from birth to different families". They were so adorable, how could you not love them?

"Who want ice cream?" I asked and I saw both of them making big eyes.

"Can we take them with us?" asked Scott referring to the puppies.

"Yes, we can". I grabbed the black leashes and Scott took Chaos and Stiles took Grace. Scott was having a hard time with him because Chaos was an Adhd ball so I stayed near him in case he dropped the leash. I thought the puppies some tricks but I wasn't sure about their behaviour and their attention in the public. Stiles was walking so proud with Grace, she was calm and obedient, despite Chaos.

We had ice-cream and I held the dogs when we went back so the boys could savurate their ice-creams. We decided to watch a movie in the evening so we went to drop the dogs home and we went to the supermarket. I took a shopping cart and I put Stiles and Scott in it, then I started to play NSF (Need for speed, it's both a movie and a video game with cars in case you didn't see it) in the market. We made a drift and Scott stretched out his hand to take a bag of chips while Stiles took one of popcorn. I added some more sweet stuff among with some juice and few drifts later we were at the checkout.

We ended up with two bags full of junk food and we took em home. They wanted to watch The lion King so I let Stiles deal with the computer thing and I made the bowls with chips and everything that we bought. I took three glasses with me and some juice and we were ready.

We started the movie and not half way through it, the bowls were empty. I wanted to go and fill them up but I realised that the boys were already asleep. I stopped the movie and I carefully took them and put them in the bed from the spare room where Ray stayed for a couple of weeks. "Good night boys" I said while I covered them with some thin blankets since it was summer and I went to my room where Chaos and Grace were sleeping beside the bed.

I liked taking care of Stiles and Scott, they were good kids, I just hope that they're not going to get involved in the 'supernatural' world. Oh, and since I said supernatural, I didn't have time to talk with Talia about what I am so I'll have to write that down in mind. I brushed my teeth and I took of my mascara then I went straight to bed.

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