Chapter 35

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Astrid's pov.

"I'm Astrid" I said with an unsure voice looking at the creepy dudes. I had the right to, the woman didn't have any shoes and her toes nails were out, just like the claws, the man behind was massive, like massive massive, needles to say that it kinda freaked me out. And the Deucalion man was wearing glasses in a fucking full of darkness factory. "You are kinda creepy" I said and I got a smile from the woman. She seemed nice but her nails tho.

"I'm Kali" said the woman with a friendly smile "and this is Ernnis" she added point at the mountain werewolf.

"Ummm nice to meet you, I guess?"

"You said your name was Astrid, right?" asked the tall man, Deucalion.

"Right, Astrid McCall, sir"

"Astrid... such a unique name, for such a unique creature, am I wrong?" he asked and I saw a smirk forming in the corner of his mouth.

"How did you - Who are you people? and how do you know me? and more important, what I am?" I asked out of confusion. If I needed something, it was certainly not this.

"Sweetie, you're a hybrid, a werewolf and a banshee. You are born from a werewolf father and a banshee mother, not to mention that the father must be an alpha since you are an evolved werewolf. They must be proud of you because from what I see, they have a very beautiful independent grown girl" he said with so much simpaty and he smiled a little. This dude gives me shivers and not in the good way. "We, sweetie, we are alphas" he said and my eyes widened.

"Where are your packs?"

"We are a pack" said Kali and I connected the dots. Talia told me about them, they were so powerful together. "And from your expression, you heard about us... From Talia if I'm not wrong?" she suggested.

"Ok, you're freaking me out, how do you even know me?"

"That doesn't really matter" said Deucalion "What does matter is that we want to help you, to evolve in the way you should, you should join us"

I was shocked about his offer. His pack was the strongest and me? to be a member of the Alpha Pack? without actually being an alpha was quite a big deal. I began to think about it and I accepted. Why? I'll tell you:
1. I couldn't go back to Talia's place for training or other things because that automatically meaned that I had to see Peter
2. I needed to learn about what I was.
3. They were powerful so they could actually protect me.
4. They seemed nice, although they kinda looked creepy at first.

Apparently they were going to LA and since I had to go there to work in less than 2 months, I agreed to go with them. I went home and began to pack some of my things when I heard someone entering the house. I knew exactly who it was, Peter.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a spiteful tone while going back to sitting on the ground and putting necessary stuff in the boxes.

"I wanted to check up on you, you didn't gave any sign of life since we went to the club" he said but then he saw what I was doing "Why are you packing?"

"Because I'm moving" I said with a bored voice.

"And you didn't think to tell anyone? You just pack your things and move?" he was asking pissed.

"Yeah, you got it right" I said continuing to pack. He was pissed, obviously pissed.

"Astrid, if we did something at the club or anything, if we did it I have no regrets" he said clueless.

"Yeah, because you do not remember what you're supposed to regret" I said while trying to stop the tears from falling.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just get out Peter" I said angrier.

"Astrid answer me, what the hell do you mean?"

"GET OUT" I said while throwing a knife that I didn't realise I had in my hand, stopping in the mirror next to Peter.

"Astrid wha -"

"Just get the fuck out and don't you dare come near me, I fucking hate you so much" I said while getting up from the ground. "Get out of my house or I swear to God I'm going to aim for you the next time I have a knife in my hand" I said while going towards him, seeing that he was backing off.

He exited the house and I collapsed to the ground beginning to cry. I hated feeling like this, I was stronger than this, I am stronger than this. I pulled myself back together and I continued to put all the important things in the boxes. I didn't want to be so ignorant with the people that actually cared about me so I decided to text Talia.

She didn't immediately saw the messages and that was perfect

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She didn't immediately saw the messages and that was perfect. I didn't want to answer her texts if she replied me.

I started packing some clothes and I found one of Peter's t-shirts. A part of me wanted to burn it or at least throw it away, but the other one wanted to keep it. I stood there staring at the shirt and I decided to put it back in my closet. I was confused by my action, I knew myself quite well but I didn't think for a moment that I'll want to keep it. I took a bag for Grace's and Chaos's toys and other suff and I put it in the Mustang. I placed my bags with clothes and other necessary things and I hopped Chaos and Grace in. I took all the strength I had in me and with a big sigh I reminded myself why I was leaving.

"We're going on a trip guys" I said while looking at their confused but still happy faces."We are going to be back one day" I said while leaving Beacon Hills.

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