Chapter 38

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Astrid's pov.

I am with Laura back to my house. As soon as we arrived we both had a shower and then I gave her some clothes. Right now we are talking in the kitchen while she is playing with Chaos since Grace is asleep. It is 2 in the morning and I am making us some coffee. Yeah, I know, coffee, at 2 am, but who cares?

"How did you know?" says Laura breaking the ice.


"How did you know that I was going to die?" she asks again hesitating, scared to get an answer.

"It's just, I don't really know how to describe it, it's a excruciating pain in my head and I feel like I'm going to crack and scream" I said out of breath "It's very complicated" I add while putting the coffee on the table. "How's Derek?" I ask out of nowhere. I haven't seen him in years, the last time I saw him was, well, at the fire. He was very reserved so I couldn't stalk him that much. Laura was a girl, she had Facebook, easy peasy, but things with Derek were more complicated. 

"He's Derek. He started acting like dad, you know? He's grumpy, always serious, recently he started to do not get jokes, doesn't smile, you know..."

"He doesn't get jokes and he doesn't smile? Damn I loved his smile, when I was mad about the hook up with Peter, his smile made my mood better" I say with a small laugh remembering about that time.

"YOU HOOKED UP WITH PETER?" she yells with her eyes widened choking on her coffee.

"Wait, you didn't know? I expected Derek to tell everyone after I told him to keep it a secret..." I say with a giggle.

"Derek knew and I didn't? Oh come on! And I find out 6 years later?" she whines and makes me laugh.

"Derek came to my house and found out himself, not my fault" I say and we begin to talk about their lives and how it's been for them.

"How's Peter?" asks Laura looking in her coffee and when she mentioned his name, my stomach started to hurt.

"His nurse says that he can't talk or walk, or anything like that but I don't think that's true..."

"Why not? I mean he had some serious injuries, kinda more severe than yours" she adds

"That's what I'm saying, I was injured for like 3 months on my shoulder, the burnt healed quicker because I'm an alpha. But something doesn't add up. Yeah, I know that Peter has been in the house the whole time, but I got him out, besides the fact that he was intoxicated by the smoke and burnt on his face and on some parts of his body, he should have been quite well right now. At least he should speak or walk. Something's not right" I say and I see Laura falling in her taughts.

Laura was quite the perfect sister model, took the mom job and she took care of Derek until he finished high-school. She got a job and she took care of him, until he found himself a job. From then on, he became lonely and kinda friendless. I felt bad for him but every time I tried to think about him, his last words were echoing in my mind. "Who are you to tell me that? My mom?" His hurt expression was before my eyes just like it all happened yesterday. The pain, the suffer, everything came back when I wanted to think about him. I wanted to talk to him, you know? To see if he hates me or something... He is a very significant part of my life, my best friend, my "partner" in crime, we were always together, nothing could have broken us apart, at least that's what I thought back then.

"Woah, when did you paint this?" asks Laura pointing at the canvas on my wall. "You always loved to paint, I remember that, it was you get away door, you paint when you feel stressed or unsure... or when you're hurt or scared..." she said turning around to face me and her worried face gave it all away. "What happened since we left?"

"A lot... You know, I made a promise to Derek a long ago..."

"That one about going there everyday after work?" she asks and I nod

"and everyday after work I went to the Hale house, just like I promised. But things started to be odd. I started to find new animal's bodies every night and a weird scent was present every time. It was a werewolf's but it was faint and I wasn't able to recognise it... " I say and I leave her in thoughs.

" Wait, you said every night? Doesn't your shift end in the evening or something?"

"Yeah, but sometimes, I just felt like going at night too" I say with hesitation.

"So why the blue forest?" she asks looking at the painting again.

"So, just like I said, I sometimes go at the house by night, when it's not that visible, and I have a path that I always follow." I say and I stand up going next to her "This image is so familiar to me, but by time, it became strange"

"What do you mean?"

"There were nights when I couldn't sleep, I was like drawn to the house, to the forest... to Beacon Hills. Sometimes the urge to go was stronger and sometimes it was not."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I have a friend that works at the police station... and I found out that every time when I had a strong urge and I didn't go... the next day was reported a body" I say and I see her speechless reaction. "Beacon Hills is a beacon itself, a beacon for supernatural, but I've never felt so outdated" I say and we both fall in thoughts.

Author note: Sorry for the late posting, but school started and my parents are kinda strict so I'm not allowed to have my phone at night. That automatically means that I can only write in the day time and since 'school is so important' I have to do homework and learn so I only write when I have free time. Sorry about the delays, oh, and I don't even know how I'm expecting this book to go on so always expect a plot twist. Kisses < 3

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