Chapter 56

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Third perspective pov.

"You turned Jackson?! Excuse me but how incompetent you have to be to turn that self-centered punk into one of us?!" yells the brunette at the new alpha male while entering the old Hale house, seeing him on the couch.

"For fucks sake, stop yelling! I made a small mistake alright?" trys the male werewolf to say but she easily cuts him off.

"Small?! SMALL?! Derek, turning someone is not a joke, do you hear me? Even if he turns, he won't help you" she continues with the same tone.

"Help me with what?" asks Derek with surprise mixed with confusion on his face.

"Don't act dumb love, I know about the mark under all that fresh paint on the door" she says while geting on her knees before him grabbing his chin.

"Shit" he curses under his breath, trying to break eye contact but the woman forces him to look at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks with a softer tone and his eyes fix hers. The silence was so loud, only his sigh breaking it. "Derek, we'll get through it together, we always will" she says with a small smile. "We'll get yourself a pack, we'll deal with Jackson, I'll personally kill him if we need to, you won't need to tell me twice" she continues, getting a giggle from him. "Now get up, I might have an idea for a new pack member" she says while getting up.

<<Half an hour later>>

"Him? Are you sure?" asks Derek with his eyes on the boy before his eyes, observing the black eye on his left side of his face.

"Yeah" she says with a small smile on her face.

"What was his name again?" he asks while facing her.

"Isaac Lahey"

<<Some days later>>

"Why do you like cemeteries?" asks the green eyed man.

"I don't really know, I usually like to come here and smoke, you can leave with red and puffy eyes and everybody would assume that you've balled your eyes out for hours, but you're just stoned" laughs the brunette, getting a punch from her friend.

"You're sick, you know?"

"Yeah, but I have a good strategy and you can't say otherwise. Anyways" she says while looking through her pockets" do you happen to have a lighter?

"I don't know what you would do without me honestly" he says while handing her a lighter from his pocket

"You're the best Der" she says while kissing his cheek and he lights her cigarette.

"Now you're my bitch for 24 hours" he says with a laugh while she lets the smoke out of her lungs.

"Whatever you want my love" she laughs but her face instantly changes. "Did you hear that?" she asks but he doesn't say anything, instead he simply follows his friend through the graveyard, seeing an excavator over a grave.

"What the hell?" they hear as Derek lifts the excavator, revealing a boy, whose face is familiar to them as Issac.

"Need a hand?" asks Derek and the boy just nods.

"How did you do that? What are you, man?" asks the boy, only to see his big brother's old best friend. "Astrid? Astrid McCall?"

"Fuck, let me just" she says while ending her cigarette. "There. Hi Issac"

<<Two hours later>>

"So you're both werewolves" he says while looking at me and Derek. "And you" he points at Derek "are offering me the bite so I can be one of you" he continues while fixing his eyes on both of us "meaning I can move faster, see and hear better, be stronger, basically being better at everything?"

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