Chapter 48

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Astrid's pov.

"They did what?!" I yell at my phone while picking up my car keys. "So you're telling me that Scott and Stiles got you arrested for killing Laura?" I say while rushing to my car.

"Cute, isn't it?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"Come on, the call time is over." I hear an officer saying.

"Don't take it away, she's mad" and the call ended. 'Perfect. Don't kill Scott and Stiles. Don't kill Scott and Stiles, Astrid, come one you can do it' I say to myself, while starting the engine. In less than 5 minutes I arrive at the police station.

"You can not enter like this, this is a po-" tries a woman to say but I just cut her off.

"Agent Astrid McCall, FBI, I'm here for Derek Hale" I say and she takes me to Derek. "Who had the guts to cut off the phone call?"I hiss and I see Derek's eyes lighten.

"I told you she's mad" he says with a big grin and I can smell the officer's anxiety.

"So... it was you... Bring me a coffee" I say and before I can add anything he leaves. "Alright, how the hell did you end up here, again? I'm not a morning person from what you can see, so keep it short before I kill someone on my way out."

"So basically your nephew and his little friend dug up Laura's body, who was buried on private property, and since it was my property, I ended up being arrested." he says and then the previous officer brings me my coffee.

"Well aren't you sweet" I say with a fake smile. "Now piss off"

"Who the hell do you even think you are to tell me that? I'm a police officer" he defends himself.

"And I'm Astrid McCall, I'm a FBI agent, this is who the hell I am" I hiss and I see his face whitening then he disappears. "Right" I say and I take a sip out of my coffee. "So, here's what is going to happen" I say and I take another sip "You just have to wait another 8 hours? Yeah, they should get it in 8 hours. Then guess what? Laura will have animal hair on her body and tam tam tam, let the drums set, it will be reported as an animal attack. Long story short, you will be a free man in less than 12 hours." I say and I take some sips of my coffee.

"You're amazing" he says and he gives me a smile. "Did you know that you're hot when you're angry?" he asks with a wink.

"I know, you should tell me that more often." I reply and I return the wink, receiving a smirk. "I'll go to the game later to make sure everything is gonna be alright, come to mine when you get out of here, if I'm not home, you'll find food in the oven"

"Thanks, I'll see you later As" he says and on my way to get outside I make eye contact with the officer.

"Have a nice day, miss McCall." he says and I just roll my eyes.

I get home and I go to take a shower The warm water lays soft kisses on my skin. I started thinking about the alpha, something wasn't adding up. The alpha was one part of a pack, but no one knew about Laura, no one beside The Hales and The alpha pack. But even if it was someone part of the alpha pack, it couldn't because it had to be an omega or a beta to become an alpha. But there was no beta or omega to know about Laura, only if Cora was alive, but that's not possible and even if she was, she wouldn't do such a thing. That only leads to my last and most improbable person... Peter. Well he could be... 'Astrid, you're losing your mind' I sigh and I get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. "Hi my loves" I say while leaning down to pet Chaos and Grace.

"Astrid, I know I didn't call but..." yells Stiles while entering my house but as soon as he sees me, he is frozen.

"But? What?"

"Umm... sorry I- I di-didn't me-an to um you k-know"

"Stiles, I have a towel around my body, now grow up and tell me what you want to tell me" I say while getting up realizing that Grace and Chaos started growling at him. "Quiet" I demand and they do so. "Now, Stiles, what's wrong?"

"Scott disappeared" he says in a second.

"What do you mean he disappeared?" I narrow at him and he just raises his shoulders.

"We were coming from the Hale hou-... No we were not..." he cuts himself off when he realizes what he just said.

"You mean after you got Derek arrested?" I ask and his eyes widen.

"Wha- No- How do you know that?"

"I talked to Derek, I went to the station a half an hour ago, he wasn't so pleased" I respond with an ironic smirk.

"You're not mad?"

"Actually, I should be, you got my best friend arrested, but honestly I kinda find it funny. Wanna know why? Because you did that so Scott could play the game tonight, but let me tell you something, if he can't control it, it's gonna end up so bad, you don't wanna imagine your best friend ripping someone's head off, right?" I ask while brushing my brown wet hair, in order to put it in a messy bun.

"Right... Wait, how did you even help Scott? About the control thing?"

"I know people, all right? I know some things about werewolves" I say with a slight smile.

"You lost me, anyways Astrid you need to help me, to help us, can you pleeeease be at the game tonight?" he asks with his big brown eyes wide open.

"Stiles, don't worry, I already had that in mind, I'm gonna be there, don't you worry, now go find him, I'll see you later" I say and he just waves then gets out. "Right, now, let's find some clothes" I say while opening my closet doors. "Let's be a little extra" I say with a smirk on my face when my eyes land on a red dress. I take it out and I put it on my bed while I tried to find some appropriate shoes. I finally decide on a pair of black high heels over the knees and I start doing my makeup. I put on some mascara and some eye-shadow, after curling my eyelashes, then I apply a dark brown matte lipstick. I let my hair free and I make some beachy waves curls, then I put the dress on. I put on my heels but something is missing. 'A jacket' I say while looking through my wardrobe but I can't find anything when I see it. 'Derek's leather jacket, perfect'. I put it on, then I shove my phone, my keys and some money. "I'm good to go" I say and I exit the house, walking towards my Mustang which was waiting for me on my porch.

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