Chapter 36

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Third perspective pov.

Astrid joined the Alpha Pack, she is training with Kali and Deucalion everyday and she started becoming stronger and stronger by day. She was going to start working in one week with her brother and she began to get along very well with Kali who loved her dogs. Peter became grumpy and hostile about Astrid's decision of leaving Beacon Hills, but Talia still didn't tell him what he did. Drek found himself a new secret love and things were always hot between them, they were basically fuck buddys, but Derek actually caught feeling for this girl. You can easily guess who it was, Kate Argent. She kept her word and she came for Derek. Neither Astrid and Peter knew about the secret relationship because they were both dealing with their own problems.

Astrid's pov.

I was feeling lonely that day. Kali and Ernis had to recruit some twins for the pack to get stronger, Deucalion was out so now I was basically alone at home with Grace and Chaos. Something was not right, something bad was going to happen and since my new pack were all good, I decided to go to Beacon Hills to see how were things going. I kept in touch with Jem and Ray and they eventually became good friends too. We were talking every night and since Ray worked at the station, she told me about every 'animal attack'. Things were starting to get out of control, more animals were hurt or found half eaten. I didn't think that it had anything to do with the Hales but I still wanted to peak a look.

I exited the apartment where we were all staying and I shifted into my wolf form. I started running trough the deep forest. The autumn breath was blowing in though my snow fur while every step was getting heavier as I was closer to the town. Suddenly nothing felt right. I was close to the Hale house when I smelt something strong. Gasoline. I started running faster when i suddenly saw the fire starting before my eyes. The air became heavy, almost impossible for breathing. I saw Derek and Laura in the front of the house and with a howl, Laura got the sign and she took Derek aside while I ran into the house. I couldn't see much but I could feel everyone's fear. I found the basement door where everyone was, but it was locked.I shifted in to my human form and I tried to break it but it was special created to stop the new werewolves from escaping on the full moon. I broke some part of it, only to take Talia's hand and see part of her face.

"You need to go" she yelled with tears in her eyes while they were glowing red.

"I can't leave you here, come on Talia, please" I begged while trying to break the door.

"Astrid, take care of my kids" she said and she grabbed my hand so hard that her claws were left in it "take them, learn about yourself, Deucalion will take care of you, find my kids" she yelled again with a small forced smile.

"I can't leave you here Talia, I can't" I began crying even harder.

"You can, and you will, goooo! And take care of your new power" she said and she flashed her yellow eyes.

"What did you? What do you..?"

"Good bye Astrid"

"Good bye Talia, see you another time" I said when I felt her hand leaving the grip. She was gone. With all the strength that I had left I tried to find the only alive persons in the house. I found Cora in her room under her bed and I took her on my back. I exited and she hopped off my back and I went back inside when I felt another faint heartbeat. I walked down the hallway felling my breath beginning to cut off and the heartbeat led me to Peter's room. He was still breathing.

"As - Astrid" he struggled to say.

"Shut up, I might not prefer you right now, but I'm still trying to save your life"

"Astrid... " he began to say but I ignored him when suddenly a piece of framing wood fell on his face and on my shoulder. I tried to hold Peter still and I somehow managed to get him out of the house. "As -" he tried to say but I cut him off.

"Don't say another word, you're hurt, stay still" I said placing him on the ground but suddenly the cops came and I had to hide. I couldn't explain to them the claws still glued in my arm, the eyes that I felt glowing or the fact that I was gone of a month and something and suddenly I appeared where was a fire and countless deaths. I climbed a tree from where I could see the whole scene. The fire was slowly beginning to be smaller and smaller, leaving only some wood walls and dead corpses inside. Derek, Laura and Cora were nowhere to be seen, I could only see Peter being taken by the medics. He saw were I was staying and for a second I could see him muttering 'your eyes', but when I looked again, his eyes were closed. He was still alive, but barely.

I jumped off the tree and I fell on my knees. Most of them were gone. All I had was Derek, Laura, Cora and partly Peter. I couldn't hold in anymore and I screamed. I screamed so loud that I was myself affected by it. I was devastated, I felt like everything was my fault, I couldn't take in anymore. That was the end of the line. My tears were spread all over my face and my shoulder was aching because of the burn. I somehow got myself together and I found Derek and Laura.

"Where is mom? Where is everyone?" asked Derek with tears almost falling from his eyes.

"Derek, I -"

"Don't say it Astrid, don't say that" he began to beg with tears now falling down his cheeks.

"I couldn't save them" I said while crying and I saw Laura doing the same, but she was way more quiet than me.

"This is your fault" yelled Derek while wiping his tears. "If you didn't leave, my mom would be alive right now, my father would be alive too and everyone that was in that house would have been alive too! This is your fault Astrid, only yours!" he spitted in my face.

"Don't bring Astrid into this" added Laura but Derek was already leaving. "Derek! Stop" I yelled going after him.

"Who are you to tell me that? My mom?" he said and I saw the pain in his eyes.

"No, I'm not"

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