Chapter 8

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Astrid's pov.

"What happened?"

"it's Paige, come on" said Peter in hurry.

We went to my car and I drove as fast as I could to the place where Peter said that Derek and Paige were. I jumped out of the car and went into kind of a cave to see Paige trying to live in Derek's arms.

"Oh my -" I said walking over and holding both Derek and Paige. "You're going to be ok" I said but I felt a strange feeling in my stomach and then I felt blood in my mouth. 'this is not going to be ok'.

"I-it hu-ur-urts" said Paige with a soft voice. I took her hand and absorbed her pain. She was so strong, that pain could have killed anybody human, but not her, she was trying to survive so hard. She took a deep breath as I took her pain and she looked at Derek. "I'm gonna die, am I?"

"N-n-no, you can't die Paige" said Derek crying "I-i can't lose you".

"It's ok, I'm in the arms of my first werewolf lover"began Paige with slight smile.

"You knew? And you still liked me? " said Derek crying even harder.

"I didn't liked you, I loved you" said Paige even slower

"Derek..." I looked at him with a sorry look in my eyes, she wasn't going to make it. Tears started falling from my eyes as I was still taking Paige's pain.

"Derek, it's ok, I lived enough to know what true love is..." she said and she began to cough blood "kill me, please... I don't want to be like this..."

"I-i-i can't, I can't kill you Paige, I'm sorry"

"Derek, it's the only way to stop her from suffering" I said to him still crying.

"Please" said Paige with such a small voice.

Derek leaned in too kiss her and suddenly I didn't feel any pain. He killed her. His claws were in her stomach and blood was spreading around her body.

"T-t-thank y-y-you" were her last words.

Me and Derek started crying harder as he was still holding Paige's dead body. I couldn't help myself and I screamed, loud, very loud, expressing all the pain and the suffering in that scream.

Talia and Peter walked in running, Talia taking her son of his lover's dead body. Peter came and hugged me as I started to cry harder on his shoulder.

"what happened?" I whispered to him, just for him to hear.

"she was bitten" he said with a low voice using the same tone as me.

I hugged him back and I went to pick up Paige's dead body while Talia stayed with the boys. I had to tell her parents what happened, but I didn't have the power to. I took her to the hospital were Melissa looked at me worried then she saw the helpless body of Paige. She was confirmed dead and I went to her house. I took all the air I needed and I knocked on the door. A woman in her 40s opened the door and I told her about her daughter's death. She collapsed to the ground crying as her husband joined. I stood by their side and then I left, going to the police station to give a statement.

"as is said earlier, I was walking through the forest when I saw a coyote walking out of a more like looking cave, I peacked a look inside when I saw the lifeless body of the girl" I said tying so bad not to cry.

"ok Astrid, I think that's all" said Noah and I walked out of the police station.

I went straight to the Hale house and as I entered I run up to Talia.

"are the boys alright?" I asked her quickly.

"Derek fell asleep while crying and Peter is in his room" she said looking sad "Did you do it? Did you tell her parents?"

"Yes I did, I took her body to the hospital, I went to her home to tell her parent about their dead daughter and then I gave a statement at the police station, reporting it as a coyote attack."

Don't get me wrong, I cared so much for this girl, but I was trained by the Argents, I know how to not get affected by sudden situation, or at least to act like nothing happened and get over it. I knew how to act, what to do and what to say, I was trained to do that.

I went to Derek's room and I wiped the tears that were left on his face, kissing his forehead. I knew that it was impossible for him to be fine in that moment and I didn't want to wake him up so I went to Peter's. I walked into the room and he was sitting oh his bed facing the ceiling.

"hey..." I said softly.

"hey" he said facing me now. He was sad, I could see that in his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came in to see how you and Derek are" I said and he looked at me with more sadness in his eyes.

"You didn't bother to see how we were in the past few weeks but here you are now, taking care of the 'poor sad babies', right Astrid?"

"Hey, I had a lot of my mind, but I'm here now, so can you please be less arrogant and tell me what happened?" I said slightly pissed at his comment.

"Right... so one week ago, one of Ernis's pack member, his beta, got killed by hunters because he lost control on the full moon and killed two of them. Ernis got really mad and he said that he was going to get his revenge and a new pack member." he sighed."At the same time as that happened, Derek was whining about the fact that he is a werewolf and Paige isn't so he didn't know how their relationship was going to work. I suggested him to make her a werewolf and he took it very seriously." (author note:this was true)" He talked to Ernis about Paige and he said that she would be a great pack member. Ernis bit her, like you saw, and well, it didn't happen as planned... "he sighed and looked back at the ceiling.

"It isn't your fault Peter, you just made a suggestion, it isn't any body's fault actually, she couldn't survive, the bite transforms you or it kills you, you can't control what happens" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"thanks..." he said slowly

"For what?"

"For being here for us, all of us" he said looking at me sadly.

"that's what family is for" I said with a slight smile and he got up and hugged me. I hugged him back and I felt him pulling me deeper into the hug.

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