Chapter 54

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Astrid's pov.

"He is doing WHAT?!" I yell at Derek as he does his workout that mostly consists in push-ups.

"He's going out with Scott's mom"he responds simply and I push my way out of the old Hale house.

<5 minutes later>

"My sister in law? Really? You're that low?" I ask him pissed, storming into his apartment which he apparently own.

"Don't be rude just because I might want to go out with someone other than you, you'll always be my favorite, darling" responds Peter cockyly as he does his hair.

"If you hurt her, like you hurt me, I'm gonna hunt you down, with or without the help of the Argents. You might want them to be there, cuz if they are not, your death will be slow and painful" I hiss through my teeth and his smirk fades away.

"What did I even do to you?" he asks, confused, looking straight into my eyes.

"Huh - really? You broke my heart you idiot! That's why I left. That's the reason I've avoided your family for weeks, that's why everything in my life fell apart. That's why I hate you! That's why I should hate you, but I can't. After all, I might be an idiot" I yell-hiss at him and he looks shocked. "Why so shocked, Peter? 'I'm nothing, nothing.I make you feel things and you hate me for that, right? I'm dumb and apparently an idiot, not to mention that you would never change for me. I'm a freak after all' " I say with tears in my eyes, but I hold them in.

"Astrid, wha - did I -" he wants to say but I turn around, going towards the entrance door.

"Yeah, you did, it didn't feel nice. I'm gonna go now, there's no use in me staying anymore. But remember one thing Peter, don't hurt her, or else you're going to be facing me, and we both know who's stronger" I say and I get out of the apartment.

<An hour later>

Third perspective pov.

"Scott! Get the door. Scott! For the love of God, please! Hey. What are you doing? Aren't you gonna invite him in?" asks Scott's mom from her room, while Scott was slowly reaching for the door.

"Hello there." says the alpha as the boy opens the door. "Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on, Scott. Take a second to think that through." says the alpha as he opens the door again.

"I'll tell her." the boy simply says.

"That I used to be a catatonic invalid with burns covering half my face? Good luck with that." says the man while rolling his eyes.

"If you hurt her, if you even touch her -"

"I already got that speech from your dear aunt, she might frighten me and I actually belive her of doing unbelievable excruciating painful things to me but you, Scott, if I may interrupt your listing of the top five most impotent - sounding threats for a moment, try and remember that I've been in a coma for six years. Don't you think I'd like to have dinner with a beautiful woman?" he asks rhetorically after he cuts off the teen.

"Why her?" asks the kid but the alpha just gazes away.

"There's no need for you to know." he replies with a slight regret in his voice. The truth is that the alpha never really believed that he would do such a thing to his ex lover and the recent news just shocked him. He always loved her, he still does, he just doesn't know how to act around her because of the situation. He wished that they could go back to normal, at least for some moments he wanted to be alone with her, just to admire him. Under all that sass and misoginism, all he wanted was to feel her in his arms again. And she? She wanted to be with the man she loved, she always did, but she tried to suffocate her need for love with the fact that he killed Laura, but mostly with the fact that he pretended for so long and she suffered. If it was to take them separate, they were both mental, deadly and dangerous, both having the blood pumping in their for the haunt, for the fun, especially for the kill, for the urge to kill. She lied to Derek, she killed for fun, for power, she always had the blood pumping in her veins for one thing, the urge to kill. She was a weapon, a killer, a mastermind, a monster, but after all, she was a living chaos. Without even knowing, they were starving for each other, they were starving to feel each other.

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