Chapter 28

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Astrid's pov.

I woke up in the morning, it was 10 am to be more precise, to make breakfast for the three of us. I didn't have anything in mind so I went with pancakes. I turned the radio on and I started cooking and as I started humming a song, I heard the boys coming into the kitchen.

"Good morning boys, how was your sleep?"

"Morning aunt Astrid" they said at the same time "it was nice" said Scott and Stiles joined with a smile. "You sing well" said Scott. He heard me humming earlier didn't he?

"Well thank you, take a seat" I said while putting three plates on the table and one full of pancakes. We started eating while deciding what to do and we ended up with going in the woods for a walk. I knew that it was not smart for them to go there, but it was fine if I was there, I thought.

I took some back running leggings to be more comfortable and Peter's white T-shirt over my back sport bra. The boys were trying to get dressed when I went to check on them and guess what? Stiles got his t-shirt the other way around and Scott was doing his best trying to help with out, but I had to give them a hand. I helped him get it right then I packed some food in case we were going to stay a little bit longer. Also I got the brilliant idea to give them whistles while having one too.

"Ok, before we leave the house, we're going to settle some rules" I said and they nodded. "If you somehow get lost, whistle and I'll come get you, but if something happens, you whistle only when I do too to be sure that you're fine, alright?" they nodded and then Stiles have Grace a kiss on her little puppy nose and we left the house.

We bought ice-cream since it was kinda hot outside and we chatted and ate it on the way to the woods. It was not 1 minute into the woods and I heard Stiles asking about the car crash that happened a few weeks ago.

"No, we're not going there"

"But please aunt Astrid, I heard dad talking about the fact that one girl is still missing, we can look for her" he said and Scott have me puppy eyes.

"You can't save everyone" I said not wanting to go there, it was dangerous for them.

"But we still have to try" said Scott and they started running around.

"Come on boys, it's not funny" I said while chasing them. "Boys, stop!" I yelled when I realised that we were not far from the crashed car. "Stop right now" I demanded and they stopped. "You wanna see it so badly? Fine, but you'll stay behind me". They nodded and we carefully made our way towards it.

They looked in shock at the upside down car and Scott observed something that I didn't.

"That looks like claws marks" he said looking at one door. "But they're really deep" continued Stiles wanting to step closer but I stopped him.

"That's enough" I speacked clearly and we turned the other way around.

"What do you think about the crash?" asked Stiles out of the blue.

"I don't know, the father of the family got away, the mother and one girl weren't so lucky but the other went missing, she could be dead but let's hope for the best and she'll come back, alright?" I said with a slight smile at the end and they nodded. We went to the Beacon Hills cliff and I watched them looking so fascinated at the amazing view. I liked it too, it was my favourite place to be honest. I was trapped in my thoughts when I realised that Scott got closer to the edge "Don't fall of the cliff, your mother would kill me" I said and we all started laughing.

We stood on the cliff and we had a little picnic. They had fun, I liked them, they were that iconic duo and they were having so much fun together. It was 4 pm, I think, and we started heading back when I saw something among the trees.

"Did you see that too?" I asked the boys and I got an "ummmm" as an answer. "I'll get that as a no, you didn't, now walk faster" I said but something was off. I took a moment to look back and suddenly the boys weren't ahead of me. I used the whistle and I heard two responses not very far from me. I found the boys and I went to the Hale house since it was kinda close and Talia welcomed us. "Talia, can you please say with them?" I said while holding the two boys "I think there's something in the woods, I don't think it's such a big deal but for safety, I'll go check but I want them to be safe" I said and I wanted to leave but Stiles grabbed my arm.

"You're not going to leave us, right?" he asked with sad eyes.

"I'm not sweetie, I'll whistle when I'll come back, alright?" I said and I kissed their foreheads.

I went back and I saw a wolf, a black one but it seemed familiar. It started growling at me and I flashed my eyes at it. It's eyes turned red as mine turned a cold yellow.

"Laura?" I asked while going closer but she was still growling in her wolf form. "Laura!" I yelled and my eyes turned a deeper yellow.

She turned back and I could see her frightened expression. "What happened?" I took of my T-shirt and I gave it to her since she was naked on the ground. "Astrid, what happened?" she asked afraid and unsure.

"Can you remember anything?"

"All I remember is that I went into the woods then a excruciating pain in my whole body" she hesitated. "And then I heard someone yelling my name, that was you in fact, and then here we are" she sighed. "Astrid, what happened to me?" she asked scared.

"Laura, you're an alpha" I replied leaving her speechless.

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