Chapter 19

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Astrid's pov.

"Alan!" I yelled as I walked into his building.

"Oh, hi Astrid, what can I he-... Oh my goodness, poor little things" he said looking at the little puppies in my arms. "Please put them on the table" he said while Peter entered the room. "Oh, hello to you too Peter" he said clearly serious. "Alright, Astrid I'll need your help a little to take their pain, then you're free to go in the waiting room with Peter"

The puppies were being put in the table and I sofly grabbed them to take their pain while Alan was looking at the wounds.

"This one is infected but it'll be fine, she'll need some stitching but she'll be just fine" he said while patting the brown pup. "He, on the other hand, his situation is a little bit more complicated, I'm not so sure that I can save his leg but I'll do my best" he said after he looked at the black pup's back leg.

After that, I went to the waiting room where I could see Peter looking at some magazines. I took a seat right next to him and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" he asked kinda confused I think.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're showing me affection and I didn't do anything to earn it" he said with a slight laugh.

"Do you want me to punch you in the face?" I asked jokingly while lifting my head

"No, I'm fine, put your head back, I liked the other you better" he said with a giggle and he placed my head on his shoulder again and I fell asleep with his hand playing with my hair.

<2 hours later>

"Astrid, Peter" yelled Alan and I woke up and I saw that Peter did the same, we must have fallen asleep, both of us. I went into the vet room where the puppies were both on the table.

"Okay, so the boy's leg is alright, I could save it and it might heal in maximum 3 months, the girl is just fine, I stitched her wound and she is ready to go for a walk, but you must keep the patch for a week at least." said Alan and I went in to check the puppies .

"I'm going out, I need some air" said Peter and I nodded at him. He was acting a little bit weird but right now, he wasn't in my main attention.

"Oh hi darlings" I said as I walked towards the puppies and they began to wag their tails. I walked closer and they began to lick my face. 'They're so adorable'. I was thinking about the names but I couldn't decide, their names will have to be about their characteristics or something about their behaviour so all I did was observe.

"So, Astrid, don't mind me asking, but what's between you and Peter?" asked Alan suddenly and I turned around to face him.

"Nothing special" I said with a straight face. I didn't want to think about our crazy little relationship which I didn't even know what was exactly so...

"Oh Astrid, everybody see the way that you look at each other. It's clearly something there" he said with a smile. 'Damn it, I hate when he is right' I thought to myself.

"I don't know Alan, to be honest, I don't know" I said shaking my head slowly. "I guess something inside me wants him, to be with him, I enjoy his company, don't get me wrong but..."

"But you're afraid" he continued my sentence.

"Well how can I not be? I know about his reputation, about him sleeping around, he's the biggest fuckboy in the entire Beacon Hills so yeah, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that all he wants is to get in my pants"i said with a sigh.

"Maybe he'll change"he said with a sure look.

"Nobody changes for anybody, and even if they do, it's short term" I said with a sigh again "I want to, I want to believe that he actually likes me, that he'll change for me, but these things are just in the movies" I said with a sad smile and I picked my puppies. "Thanks Alan, nice talk"

"Astrid" he yelled and I turned around "Give him time and you'll see his true face" he said with a smile.

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