Chapter 7.

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<Saturday >

Astrid's pov.

I parked the car in Melissa's parking place and I went into the house.

"Mell" I shouted. I knew that she was going to have a night shift so she was at home.

"Astrid!" she came into the hallway hugging me. "You're so gorgeous" she said while looking at me.

"Don't say that, you're way better than me" I said while breaking the hug.

"Mom, who is it?" I heard Scotty as he peaked from the door way. "AUNT ASTRID!" he said running in my direction.

I picked him up in in hug and I made some spins making him laugh. I love this boy. "Guess what aunt Astrid brought you!" I said making him look with his big brown eyes at me. I took a big box from my behind and he umwrapped it.

"A BASEBALL BAT!"he said with so much excitement in his eyes.

"Oh Astrid, you shouldn't have "said Mell.

"It's the least I could do Mell, do you like it Scott?"

"YEAH, IT'S SO COOL, I want to show it to Stiles!" he said proudly. "I'll learn to play baseball!" he said looking at the bat.

"Do whatever you want buddy, as long as you don't do any damage to the house, ok?" I said while facing him.

"Yeah aunt Astrid! I promise to protect mum using it so she can sleep peacefully at night!" he said with so much excitement.

Me and Melissa started giggling while Scott went outside to "practise" as he said.

"I bet he's not going to learn to play baseball" said Mell.

"Yeah, I don't think that he's going to do that, but at least he's happy" I said smiling.

"Thank you Astrid! It mean a lot, but can I ask you something?" she said nervously.


"Does Raf ever talks about us?"

"Yeah, he does, he misses you both and he regrets what he did, he tells me that every time we talk and he actually wants to come back to you" I said and I saw Mell's eyes lighten. "but he doesn't know how to do that"

"Well, if he ever wants, he's always welcomed from my point of view" she said with a slight smile.

"I'll tell him that" I said returning the smile and moving my attention to Scott who was hitting a tree with the baseball bat and I started laughing.

<two weeks later>

I didn't talk to Derek or Peter or any member of the Hale family in the last two weeks, I didn't even go to train or practise. I spent most of my time with Raven and we studied at my place for the finals. We both passed and now I'm waiting for the response from the FBI while she is already working at the police station. I'm happy for her, I really am and I'm glad that she is my friend, she moved in with me two days ago and well, that's it.

I didn't have anything to do today and I remembered that I wanted to visit someone a while ago, the Stilinski family.

I went to buy Stiles something and then I went straight to their house. I parked my car and knocked on the door. The door unlocked and a surprised Noah looked at me.

"Astrid, come in" he said with a slight smile.

"Hey Noah!" I said while entering the house."How are you?" I asked him making my way to the living room.

"Let's say better, stressed a little bit, but I guess I'm partly fine."

"Well I'm glad to hear that" I said smiling. We continued our conversation when a little boy with a buzz cut came into the room.

"Dad! I wanted to tell you that in your case I think that Jame -" he suddenly stop noticing me and his eyes lightened "Aunt Astrid!" he said while jumping in my lap.

"She's not you au -" started Noah but I gave him a smile and I assured him that it was fine.

"Hiii little one!" I said hugging him. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, I've been helping dad at work" he said proud of himself.

"Wow, really, you must be a big boy now if you're helping your dad" I sad making him giggle.

"Come in aunt Astrid, I want to show you something!" he said grabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom.

"Wow, you made yourself quite a crime wall there" I said looking at the almost professional wall full of strings. "what does the colours mean?"

"Well..." he started saying "green is for 'solved', yellow is for 'to be determined', blue is pretty" he said and I started giggling "and well, red is for 'unsolved'."

"I see that you have quite a lot of red but I bet that you'll be able to solve every case!" I said encouraging him. "And I think that this is going to help you" I said while giving him a book containing most of the thinking of criminals, how they did their plan, what was their backup plan and what went wrong.

He gasped while looking at the book "WOW! This is mine?" he asked and I nodded. "Thank you aunt Astrid, how did you get this? I didn't saw anything like this in my whole life".

"I pulled some strings kiddo, hope you like it" I said and he hugged me. I was happy too see him being happy, he deserves that happiness after all that happened in his family.

I spent some time with the Stilinski family then I went home. I wanted to unlock the door but it was already opened. I took the gun from my ankle and I entered the apartment. The light in the living room was on and I walked into the room.

"Peter! what the actual hell are you doing here!" I yelled at him but he turned around, concern and worry was written all over his face. I put the gun down and I look at him serious. "What happened?"

"I need you... We need you..."

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