Chapter 42

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Astrid's pov.

"Scott's homeee"

"Don't bother trying to lie to me, you can't. Now, where is Scott, Stiles? I'm serious, he might be in danger. Think of it, the killer is still free, maybe even hiding in the woods. Where is he, Stiles?" I say the fact straight to his face and his face expression changes.

"Ummm" he begins to panic but I grab his hand.

"Stiles, focus, you're his best friend, tell me if I need to know anything"

"We came together, I wanted to get a little bit closer and I got caught by the officer. Scott was ummm right behind me? until I started to walk faster"

"Stiles, calm down" I say while grabbing his hand a little bit tighter. "I'm gonna look for him, go home, I'll try to find him"

"Right but you... you could get hurt and- and I"

"I'll be fine, go home, I'll come by tomorrow, stay safe Stiles" I say and he just hugs me. I put my hand on his head and I pet him a little. I missed him so much, he and Scott are like my little brothers and I'd do anything to protect them.

"You too As, love you!" he yells while being pulled by Noah who waves at me while closing the car door.

Right... Now I need to find Scott.I catch his scent but is so faint when suddenly a new scent comes to my nose... blood. 'Fuck' I start running when I hear a loud growl but suddenly I see a pair of red eyes among the trees, following my every move. There was something familiar in his eyes, yet warm but cold, still cruel but also hurt. I let out a growl and I see the alpha going deeper in the forest. I try to follow him but after a while I lose him. Scott's scent is gone, he is no longer in the forest but the blood is still here. I lose my attention and I fall off a small hill but when I get up I feel something liquid on my hand. Blood. I look down to see Laura's body, at least half of it. Her facial expressions are so easy to read. Her eyes were so duel, lost and stunned, filled with tears.

"Laura..." I say and I wipe a tear from my eye. Her long black hair is covering a part of her face, making the view more terrifying. I can't take her body. All I can do is leave her here and hope for Derek to find her before the cops do. I cover her body with some leaves then I decide to leave.

I turn around and I go to my car. So many thoughts are filling my mind and I almost cause a car accident."I am so sorry, I was being-" I begin to say "Victoria?"

"Astrid" she says with a wide smile, embracing me in a hug."I haven't seen you in ages" she says while breaking the hug.

"You're back, since when?" I ask but I see the passenger door opening "Allison?" She gives me a confused look but in a matter of seconds she realizes who I am.Her eyes lighten up then a huge smile appears on her face revealing her perfect white teeth.

"Astrid!" she yells running in my arms to hug me. She's grown up, so beautiful and lovely. I haven't seen her in 6 years, and only way we kept in touch was with texts and letters.

"Allison, wait in the car, I'll be back in a few seconds" says Victoria and the girl does as she is told to. "We're back because of the numerous murders and of the new alpha, do you have any ideas who it might be?"

"Unfortunately not, but I do know who it stole the power from. Laura, Laura Hale. I came here as soon as I found out about Laura."

"Right, you and the Hales were always close, I need to go now, before Allison gets suspicious" she says hesitating.

"She doesn't know?" I sat and I wide my eyes. She lives in a family of hunters and she doesn't know about the danger out here.

"No,and we'd like it to stay that way. See you soon Astrid" she says shortly and she enters the car.

"Bye Victoria" I say and I enter my car to continue my ride. I take some turns and I'm now in front of the McCalls house. The lights are on and I can hear Mell talking to Scott so everything is fine. I go to my apartment and flashbacks are starting to come just like everything happened yesterday, Derek running after Chaos, Peter eating at my table while I'm making coffee, Laura singing at a brush and Cora patting Grace while Chaos was pulling her dress. All Hales, I have wholesome memories with all of them and I loved every of them in my own way.

I sit down at the table and I feel like I'm in a museum. So much has changed... I place my head on my arms and I begin to overthink everything. I just want, for a second, everything to be normal. To have the Hales back, my family back.

"I need to rest" I go into my old bedroom and I see everything in place just like I left it. I look at my old stuff and I find a camera. I look at my old photos and videos and tears start falling down my cheeks. I play a video and I can see me and Laura singing from the top of our lungs, Derek playing the drums and Peter was filming, adding comments from time to time. I stop the video and pictures of me and Peter start to show up. I smile. We were cute together, he was allI ever wanted, still is but I can't admit that to myself yet.

I take a deep breath and I lay on my bed. The cold sheets touch my skin and a shiver travels from my spine to my toes. It feels weird to be back, somehow good, but weird.

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