Chapter 17

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Astrid's pov.

We sang and laughed the hole ride. I can't believe that I say this but he is a nice company, even when we're sober. After 1 hour of driving we arrived at the FBI building where I could see Raf waiting for us. I parked the car and I got out to hug him, Peter following me.

"Hi kiddo, ready for the test?" he asked messing with my hair.

"Yeah!" I said excited.

We went into a the training room where I had to shoot all the 'targets'. It was kinda cold so I put on the jacket before I began. A man appeared into the room with some papers in his hand.

I started shooting and I saw with the corner of my eye the man writing something on the papers but I decided to concentrate to my targets. I finished quite quickly and I saw Peter's surprised face looking at me.

"I didn't know that you can shoot that well" he said coming from behind my back and I started giggling. That's what you can do when you train with the Argents for 10 years when you're young.

"Wow, I'm impressed Astrid... Astrid McCall? Is this your daughter Agent McCall?" he asked and the three of us started laughing.

"No, she's my sister actually" he said with a smile and then he looked at me proudly.

"She's gorgeous, how can she be siblings with... you?" he said jokingly and I started laughing nervously but I felt Peter grabbing my waist 'protective'. "Anyways, getting back to business, Astrid I have to say congratulations, you're a pure talent" he said giving me a paper with the marks from the shooting test. I got 99,5% and that's actually very high. My brother did 87,3% at this test and he's one of the best from the station.

"Thanks" I said and I faked a smile. "Is there anything else for me to do?" I asked since I was starting to feel kinda awkward.

"Yeah, you have to come with me to the reception to sigh some papers" he said with a creepy smile. 'Ok, this dude wants something'.

"Oh ok, can Rafael and my friend come with me?" I asked hoping that the answer would be yes.

"I'm afraid not, you have to do this alone" he said giving me another creepy smile.

"Why not, its not such a big deal" I said hoping to turn the situation on my side.

"it is, now come with me" and another creepy smile accompanied by a stare appeared on this face.

'Ok, this is definitely not going to end well' I gave Peter and Raf an unsure look and they got it nodding at me. They knew that something was off too.

I followed the creepy man and I signed some papers where he said to when suddenly I felt his hand in my ass.

"Um, what the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" I said making a lot of space between us. 'I knew that something was off'.

"Chill out, I just wanna have some fun" he said coming closer. With his arms aimed at my body.

'Fuck it, he's hot a werewolf so I can't use my force to push him, so I only have one option left' I thought to myself as I saw the camera in the corner of the room. If I pushed him, I couldn't explain how do I have such strength so here's what I did. I went behind him and I quickly got his arm behind his back before he could touch me.

"Peter!" I screamed and the creep moved a little to shut me up but before he could put his free hand on my body, somebody grabbed him, it's not a hard guess, of course it was Peter.

My brother came in and cuffed the 'officer' that was trying to touch me seconds ago, while I was in Peter's arms. He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

"Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise I'll be here forever" he whispered before giving me another forehead kiss.

"Thank you" I said making my way to his chest. He was making me feel safe and comfortable by being there for me.

Later on, I had to give a statement and with the help of the security footage that creep was fired from the FBI. We found out that I wasn't the only person he tried to do something with and suddenly I felt relieved that Peter was with me.

The ride back was quiet, until I broke the silence.

"Thank you" I said quietly

"For what darling?"

"For helping me" I said biting my lower lip cuz I felt awkward.

"Don't do that" he said looking at the road while driving, yeah, Peter was driving this time, I was too distracted to pay attention to the road properly.

"Do what?" I asked looking at his face and I saw a smirk.

"Bite your lip, it makes me horny." he said smiling

"Ok then" I said with a smile while biting my lower lip again.

"You're such a tease" he said shaking his head in order to pay attention to the road again.

I loved messing with him, he was fun to hang out with and I actually liked to do that. I looked again at the road, the sunset was absolutely mesmerising and it was so beautiful. I saw Peter taking a road next to the main one and he was driving to an unknown destination by me. I didn't want to interrupt Peter from driving and I started looking through the window again. I trusted him, enough to take me anywhere.

"How did you not ask where are we going?" asked Peter peaking a look at my calm face.

"I trust you" I said with a smile

"You trust me? How? Why?" he said visibly confused but pleased my my answer.

"I don't know, I just do, you're special to me so I guess I just do it." I said with a smile.

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