Chapter 58

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Third perspective pov.

"Love, are you alright?" Astrid asks Erica while cleaning her wound.

"I'm fine, thank you for helping me. I know that we don't know each other very well, but you're still treating me with kindness." she says with a smile on her face. She loves to take care of the other werewolfs, she kinda feels bonded with each of them and since she is the oldest, she needs to.

"Well, you're part of Derek's pack, since he is an incompetent idiot, I feel the need to help him from time to time. How did you end up like this anyway?" The brunette sees the hesitation in Erica's eyes and with the side of her eye she can't help but notice Derek gesturing to her not to say anything. "Derek, what happened to Erica and Isaac?" she asks again, turning to face him, dead-staring into his eyes.

"Nothin- really, they had training and you know..."he lies, aware of the fact that she'll know.

"Is he afraid of her?" asks the blonde girl the boy beside her after making some space between her and the alpha female.

"Everybody is, you'll see why sooner or later" responds Isaac while looking at the woman.

"Derek I heard that Scott still has the claw wounds, why? Do the wounds made by an alpha last longer?" asks Boyd while coming down the stairs to join the others, not realising that the hybrid was in the room.

"You know what? You'll find out soon, very soon. Why don't we go over there to take a seat? And whatever happens, don't help Derek, forget about his existence. Who's Derek? I don't know any Derek" says the blonde boy and takes Erica with him.

"Derek, why does Scott have alpha claws marks?" asks the female alpha impatient looking at Derek.

"Wait, you don't know? Derek beat the shit out of Scott, right after Scott beat the shit out of Erica and Isaac" says Boyd unaware of the hybrid's anger.

"Derek, you have 3 seconds to explain yourself before I'm gonna have to call an ambulance for you" says the brunette but the male alpha doesn't have time to think of anything. Tree seconds pass and she jumps on him, grabbing his side, leaving an ugly wound. Her eyes start flashing red, as her muscles become more and more visible.  Miraculously, the male alpha dodges one of the hybrid's kick, getting himself a small breath. The girl sidesteps as she sees Derek's punch ready to hit her. This opens her an opportunity for a counter attack. Derek tries to swing back again but he misses, giving her the chance to slash her claws in his back. With another punch, Astrid sends Derek to the concrete floor with a well-placed fist to the eye. His mouth was filled with blood as the girl lifted him up from the neck. "Do that again Derek, I'm on your good side for now, don't make me cross it" she  says as she lets go of him resulting in him collapsing to the ground. "Bye kids!" she says with a sweet voice while exiting the building blowing them a kiss.

"She was mad when she heard about Scott. Why?" asks Erica while trying to help Derek stand up.

"Because she's his aunt" he responds with groan feeling his whole body hurting, leaving everybody speechless. "I forgot how well her anger can consume her while fighting" he says with another groan as Erica accidentally presses one of his wounds.

<<Mean while>>

"They're coming back, so we don't have much time to talk" says Deaton, not hearing Astrid coming in through the back door.

" What is that?" asks the young beta, but before the veterinarian could answer, she makes her presence known. 

"Rubbing alcohol. You don't want it to get infected, do you? You will heal the same, just not as quickly, because of Derek. How are you Scott?" she asks and her nephew just looks at her with big eyes.

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