Chapter 5

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Astrid's pov.

"Excuse me miss, can you please repeat?" I asked politely not wanting to belive what she just asked.

"Is he your boyfriend?" my teacher repeated herself.

"N-" I wanted so say no but I was interrupted by SOMEONE, fucking God, I'm started to hate this guy.

"Well it's not really settled but I think that I'll be soon" Peter said with a smirk on his face giving me a wink.

"Oh that's so lovely dear" my teacher said while smiling at Peter. "I know that she might be stubborn, but don't give up on her" 'I swear that this is the most embarrassing moment in my whole life'

"Oh I won't" he said sassyly while putting his hand on my waist and pulling me closer to him. 'I'm going to kill him.'

"I have to go now children, see you in class on Monday Astrid" she said as she turned to walk away.

"Bye Ms. Amelia" I said with a fake smile on my face while she walked away. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU PETER HALE" I said while running after him.

"You'll have to catch me first sweetheart" he said running.

I started chasing him through the parking lot when we entered the woods. We were running just like kids. To be honest, part of me liked his company, but the other one wanted to slice his neck. I got lost in my thoughts and I lost him."Damn it".

I stopped running and I started to look around. I tried sniffing the air but the wind wasn't helping at all. I started walking around until I saw a body laying on the ground. 'Don't be Peter, don't be Peter, please don't be Peter'.

And it wasn't him, it was a girl with brown hair and with a deep mark on her face. I ran next to her to check her pulse and luckily I heard her breath and I knew she was alive. She was a werewolf, I catched her scent, she must have fainted, I couldn't see any wounds beside the ones on her face.

"Hey!" I sad trying to wake her up. I yelled but nothing. "HEY" I yelled louder and slapped her face.

She opened her eyes and a beautiful shade of blue started to stare at me.

"Hey, what happened, are you ok?" I asked helping her getting up.

"yeah, I think" she said "I'm kinda dizzy" she said before almost falling but I catched her. "thanks for that" and she smiled faint. "I remember you, you're McCall, right?"

"Yeah, Astrid"

"We are at the same college, sorry, manners, I'm Raven Dawson" she said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, you seemed familiar, now if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing here?"

"I can't remember honestly, all I remember is that I got out of the building and some guy ran past me and I think I fell and hit my head" she said holding her head.

"it's fine, let me help you with that" I said while walking towards my car. "Sit down please" and she did as I said. I started cleaning her wound. "this might burn" I said before putting on some betadine speeding up the healing process.

"ouch" she growled.

"all done" I said with a smile.

"thanks Astrid, but if you don't mind me asking, what are you? you're clearly not a human"

"oh I'm a werewolf, unlike you being a werecoyote, but you're not one for a very long time, am I wrong?

" nope, I'm not used to the scent thing yet" she said and we started giggling. "thanks for everything Astrid"

"Call me As, that's how my friends call me" I said smiling. I have a feeling that I'm going to get along with her very well.

We went to the nearest coffee shop and we bought a dark coffee for Raven and a latte macchiato for me. We stood and talked for an hour and I found out a lot of things about her.

She didn't have any parents, she was living alone sincer she was 16 and she worked in several restaurants just to gain some money so she could live by herself. I offered her to come and stay with me when she feels lonely and she happily accepted. She was turned by Kali, a powerful Alpha, I heard about her before, and she was part of her pack, until someone began a rumour about her and Kali was forced to kick her out. I felt sorry for her, she was an omega, just like me, but the difference between us is that I was born a werewolf and the fact that I kinda live with a pack, the Hale pack. She wanted to work at the police station where Noah Stilinski works. Noah was Raf's classmate, they always competted for who is better, but in the end, Raf went to FBI and Noah continued as a cop just like he wanted. From what I've heard he is going to be Sheriff soon so I'm happy for him, 'note to yourself, visit Sheriff Stilinski and his son'. Noah's wife, Claudia, died at the beginning of the year, I went to her funeral, just like Melissa who was in charge of talking care of her. We were all sad about her death but with her condition, no-one gave her long to live unfortunately.

Anyways, we talked a little after that and then I offered her a ride home and we realized that we don't live far from each other. I waved at her and said goodbye and I went to the Hale house. I still had to kill a werewolf.

<10 minutes later>

I entered the house and I immediately got his scent, he was in the training room.

"Peter I'm going to kill you!" I yelled knowing that he's alone in the room.

"fuck" he said after running away from me. He knew that I wasn't going to case him any harm, intentionally, I just wanted to mess with him a little.

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