Chapter 11

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Astrid's pov.

I woke up at 10:30 am since school was over. I went to the bathroom to do my morning routine and after that I took myself a moment and I sat down on the bed. I was thinking about everything that happened recently, Paige, Derek, Peter, the FBI letter, living with Raven, everything. I sighed and I made my way to the make up table.

'This was going to be a long day' I said while applying some mascara and some powder. I tied my hair in a messy bun and I started changing into the clothes picked yesterday, a back short dress with a little turtleneck and a black leather coat over it. I took my black long boots and my bag and I left the house.

I arrived at the graveyard at 11:50. I looked at Paige's coffin and her scent was strong, I could still smell her parfume. I looked at the ground as I saw her parents making their way to the coffin. Paige's mum looked at me with tears in her eyes and walked past me.

Long after that, I felt Peter's cologne and a hand on my waist.

"Hi" I said with a sad voice not even looking at him.

"Hi" he said back giving me a kiss on the back of my head.

I saw Derek and Talia appearing and Derek ran right into my arms. He started to cry, making me cry too. He stood in front of me and I hugged him from behind, trying to support him. We were both crying, Talia and Peter were standing aside, Peter looking more sad and concerned than Talia.

"Today I stand in front of you all with a deep hole in my heart. And this is not just my heart that has a hole it is all of yours as well. Today is the saddest day of most of you's life since we lost Paige, a 15 years old beautiful girl who had a long ride ahead her eyes but..." the preist started taking but I couldn't keep up with his speech, and nether could Derek. We were both crying silently while other people around us were doing the same.

Derek turned around, putting his head on my shoulder, staring to cry harder. I put my hand on his head and without even realising, I was doing the same.

30 minutes passed, but they felt like hours. We were still crying and I felt the tiredness getting me slowly. The funeral ended and we went to the Hale house. I helped Derek to get to his room and he fell asleep as soon as he put his head on the pillow.

I went to the kitchen where I saw Talia and Peter, talking about something, but I couldn't care less.

"Peter, I'm going to borrow some clothes" I said with a tired voice and I made my way to his room.

Peter's pov.

I saw Astrid crying the hole funeral and I felt helpless knowing that I could do literally nothing to make her feel better. She was feeling miserable but she was still comforting Derek while he was crying in her arms. At one point, Derek turned around starting to cry harder oh her shoulder while she was trying so hard not to cry harder, but she failed. Her mascara was slowly fading, leaving grey rivers down her cheeks, but she was still beautiful.

When we got home, she went with Derek to his room most likely to be there for him and I stayed with Talia in the kitchen.

"She is so strong" I said whole looking at Talia, who was thinking about something.

"Do you know what Astrid did before she came to train with us?" she asked out of nowhere.

"no? but why are you bringing this up?"

"she was trained by the Argents" she said while she was deep in her thoughts.

"she was what?" I asked surprised. "then why did you train her? maybe she was working with them!" I said pissed.

"Astrid was something special from where I see it" she said ignoring my questions "the Argents knew that she was a werewolf when they started training her" she said and I couldn't believe my ears. "and they accepted her, she was kind, gentle, she wouldn't have hurt a fly, she was delicate" she continued "and they taught her their ways, their way of fighting" she said and she took a break "even their way of not showing emotions and accumulating them from the other person" she said with a low tone.

That's when I got it, why she was telling me all of that, Astrid accumulated all of Derek's emotions in order for him to feel better, resulting of her to have a break down. I've never seen her cry, like never, until yesterday.

"Peter, I'm going to borrow some clothes" said Astrid while she was walking towards my room.

"She needs you Peter, and you know that" said Talia clearly serious. "I know how much you like her, you've always had but you never accepted it, since she got here, since she started training and coming here almost everyday I saw how much she changed you. You need to be there for her right now because you know that deep down you really care for her" she said looking straight in my eyes.

And she was right.

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