Chapter 55

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Third pov.

"Scott, help me with this." says Derek as his friend stays in the corner of the room, watching her nephew.

"No." replies the teenage boy and his aunt just raises her eyebrow.


"Not until you tell me how to stop Peter." says the boy sitting in front of the other male werewolf. "Tell me how to stop him."

"You can't! All right? Now - I don't know when Kate's coming back, so just get me out of this right now! Get me out right now!" yells the man and the boy flinches a little.

"Promise you'll help me." says the younger werewolf with a little bit of hope, without realizing that his aunt is watching the whole scene.

"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend? For your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing? You're not in love, Scott. You're 16 years old. You're a child." yells the older beta and the female alpha moves from her spot.

"Don't you dare to say that, you went though that, you did the same thing so don't you fucking dare to yell at him" hisses the woman and her nephew filches when he acts knowledge of her presence.

"As...Astrid? What are you doing here?"

"You know, just walking around, getting to know the surroundings. What the hell do you think I'm doing? Now be useful and tell us what's your plan b?"

"Plan b?"wonders the teenager.

"Yeah, you came here to save Derek so he could help you to defeat Peter, but you have a plan b in case you couldn't convince him with words, so don't waste anymore time and tell us" spills the alpha all the words, leaving both the werewolves with their mouths open. "I'm a fucking FBI agent, don't be so shocked, you morron"

" right... so Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right? He lied. Remember this?" he says while showing the other beta a sheet of paper. "My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you wanna know who it was? Peter's nurse. They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha, and that's why you're going to help me. Just say you'll help me, and I'll help you unlock your other - "

"I already did that hun, now come on" says the woman sitting behind the older male werewolf with her hand on his bare shoulder. "We'll help you." she says, but as soon as her nephew turns around she looks at the bare chest man in front of her. "I told you. I told you he's lying and that he's manipulating you" she teases.

"Do you ever shut up?" he says sharply and he grabs her by the waist, pulling her in his arms.

"Only if you make me, love" she teases with a wink then she frees herself from his grasp, going after her nephew.

Astrid' pov.

"Hey. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Something doesn't feel right." I hear Derek on my right side.

"What do you mean?" asks Scott and my senses tense.

"I don't know. It's - it's kind of like it's -"

"To easy" I complete Derek's sentence and he just nods.

"No, don't say "too easy." People say "
'too easy' and bad things happen. What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy." whines Scott and I just roll my eyes.

"Fine. You're right."admits Derek but something is wrong, very wrong.

"Thank you." says Scott and I smell it, Kate's parfum.

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