Chapter 47

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Astrid's pov.

"We need to go out and have fun somewhen, Der" I say while laying my legs on the coffee table.

"First, we need to take care of Scott and the alpha" he responds, coming into my living room with two coffees in his hand. "Anyways, who do you think it is?"

"I don't really have a clue. I need some time to come to a conclusion. I just don't know, I need a drink to think" I say and I take two glasses and a L'Apparita 2016 wine. "Italian wines, my favorites" I say and I pour the wine in the glasses.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, you'll love it" I say and he tastes it. I see his face lighten. "You like it, don't you?"

"I didn't say anything"

"Your face gave it away. Come on, we have to catch up"

«Some hours later»

Third perspective pov.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" asked the hyperactive boy.


"Is she giving you a second chance or-"

"Yeah" responded the werewolf again.

"Yeah! All right. So everything's good."


"No?" repeated the boy with a buzz cut.

"Remember - The hunters. Her dad is one of'em"

"Her dad?"

"Shot me" finished Scott

"Allison's father?"

"And Astrid was there" added Scott and Stiles's face was in complete shock.

"Astrid as in As? Auntie As?"


"Astrid was with Derek?"


"And she left with Derek?"


"Oh my God, is she a werewolf?" assumed the spazz.

"No, I mean I don't think so, she said she wasn't so..." said Scott but Stiles remembered his conversation with Astrid from the other night "Why are you looking at me like that? What do you know? Stiles what happened?"

"After you left yesterday she said that she knew more than we think, but if she's not a werewolf, how does she know?" wondered the boys, but none of them had an answer.

"I don't know Stiles"

"You know what? Take this, and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah?" decided Stiles to say to pull his friend back in reality.


"Here we go"

«Some time later»

Astrid's pov.

"Remember, Astrid is gonna be here soon. Hey, what's wrong with your eyes?You look like you haven't slept in days" I hear Melissa's concern about her son.

"Huh, it's nothing. I'm just - stressed." answers Scott, but she doesn't seem to buy it.

"Just stress? Nothin' else"


"I mean, it's not like you're on drugs or anything, right?" wonders my sister in law and I almost burst out laughing.

"Right now?"

"Right now? I'm sorry, what do you mean 'right now'? Have you ever taken drugs?"

"Have you?" asked Scott and I can't hold it in anymore. I let out a small giggle and I hear Mell coming down the stairs.

"Late shift, thanks for looking after him Astrid"

"No problem Mell, I'll cook something for when you come home"

"Thanks, you're amazing" she says with a smile, then she leaves.

"Because he's a tool. Did you talk to As?" I hear Stiles asking.

"Not yet, she's coming over soon" 'God, you have to learn how to use your abilities' I think to myself but then I hear another heart beat and a new scent in the house. Derek. "Fuck" I mumble and I quickly to towards the stairs.

"I saw you on the field" I hear Derek and I run up the stairs.

"WHA-what are you talking about?" I see Scott trying not to be scared.

"You shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they find out about me. About all of us. And then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone."

"Derek! Leave him alone. No one saw anything. Let him go for God's sake" I say and both of them pay attention to me.

"Don't even try to play in that game on Saturday, because if you do - I'm gonna kill you myself"

"Derek, go!" I demand and he growls as an answer . "You ok, Scotty?"

"No, I'm not ok, how come every time you're around, he's too? Huh? I don't get it?"

"Look, it's complicated, alright? I'll explain everything later, but for now you need to learn how to control it. Here, give me your hand" I say and he does. "Alright Scott, how would you feel if I told you that you are a loser? That you are nothing? That you are going to end up losing everyone because you're pathetic. Your mom is gonna get hurt because of you, Allison is going to get hurt because of you, everyone you love or care about is gonna get hurt because of you, because of what you are, because you can't control it" I say and I see his claws appearing.

"As, I don't know what you're trying to do but I don't think it's working " he struggles to say while his eyes begin glowing and his facial hair grows.

"I'm gonna teach you to control it" I say and I tighten my grip on his hand. "Think about Allison, about her smile, think of her standing in the hallway waiting for you to go and say hi. Think about her" He takes a deep breath and some seconds later he comes back to normal. "You did it, you found your anchor" I say with a smile. For teenagers it's pretty simple, it's usually their loved ones, it was for Derek, for Cora, for Jem and Ray, and it was for me too.

"I found my what?"

"Your anchor, the one thing that will help you control your wolf side"

"That was AWESOME" I hear Stiles though the computer. I honestly even forgot that he was still on the call.

«Some time later»

Third perspective pov.

"Hi Peter" said the brunette while standing in the doorway. "I kinda need your help, I mean I need you to listen to me, that you'd obviously do, anyways..." she said with a sad smile."So, here's the thing, Laura got killed some nights ago and there's a new alpha roaming the woods who also happens to have bitten someone. Not only that but I'm so outdated. God! I'm gonna need a drink" said the woman and the werewolf almost broke a giggle.

His eyes followed every move of hers. He was so happy to see his ex lover, even if he didn't really know what broke their relationship. All he remembers is that he got drunk then, the following morning she hated him. "God, you're more annoying when you don't respond, do you know that? How come you're not fine by now? You can't answer, right... I miss you, I gotta be honest, I do miss you. When you'll be alright, you owe me a drink" said the green eyed girl and the man broke a small smirk when the brunette wasn't looking. "I'm gonna go now, I have to look after Derek and the new beta." she said and she walked out the room, only to return and take a long look at the man she always loved. "I still love you..." she said and she left, leaving the werewolf shocked.

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