Chapter 57

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Third perspective pov.

"Why are we in the school again?"Derek asks, annoyed.

"To check up on Jackson, your beta, that you bit." responds the brunette sharply, visibly also annoyed. "Speaking of the devil, look, there he is" she says while going after the lacrosse captain.

"Oh, I'm fine, Danny. Just go back to class." responds the teenager when Derek knocks at the bathroom door. "Just give me a second, okay?" he adds at the insurance of the knocking "I said give me a frickin' second!" he yells again only to open the door to see his alpha "Derek."

"You're looking a little pale there, Jackson. You feeling okay?" asks Derek while taking a step closer to the boy. Meanwhile the hybrid takes a look at the black blood on the sheets of toilet paper. 'Doesn't look very good'

"Never better." replies the boy, but she simply adds...

"Doesn't look like that"

"If something's wrong, I need to know. You're with me now." says Derek, concern visibly written on his face.

"Wait - With you? Me with - With you? What am I, your little pet? I mean, just because you gave me "the bite" doesn't mean I'm part of your little wolf pack. Sorry, but to be honest, you don't exactly show outstanding leadership qualities." says the boy cockily.

"Is that so?"

"Look, I've got my own agenda. Which doesn't involve running around the woods at night, howling at the moon with you and McCall, okay? So why don't you just back the fu -" he wants to continue but he starts to spill black blood out his mouth "What is it? What's happening?" he asks scared, but both the alphas look at him shocked.

"Body's fighting the bite." says the brunette while backing away further in the darkness, getting away from the boy.

"Why?" he asks scared but the situation is nothing like the werewolves have ever seen.

"I don't know." replies Derek, joining his friend, leaving Jackson alone in the bathroom.

"What does it mean? What does it mean?!" he asks but no answer.

"See? That's why we check the betas! What the actual fuck is that?! Have you ever seen something like that?" asks the brunette while getting in her old Camaro, that was currently his. She gave it to him when he turned 20. Even though they weren't talking, she still managed to give it to him through Laura. "The next thing we know is that he will turn into a snake or something"

"Is there any possibility for someone to be immune?" asks the man while getting in the car and starting the engine.

"No. Not a chance. The bite either turns you, or kills you, no other way." responds the brunette while looking out the window.

<<Later that night>>

"Alright everyone! This is the girl in case you haven't seen her already. It's her we're looking for. If anyone sees her, report to the station" says Noah with a picture of Lydia in his hand.

"God, what a mess" says the brunette while looking at her surroundings.


"Yeah Stiles?"

"Why are you helping the police department?" asks the brown eyed spazz looking at his so called aunt.

"Well, since I moved here for some time and due to the lots of murders, my boss decided to depart me here so I can help the police out. An FBI agent is most of the time a great help when it comes to difficult cases." I say while looking through the woods, seeing something moving. "Stiles, point a flashlight in that direction"

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