Chapter 53

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Third pov.

"Hey, As? I need the crime wall for a se - what the hell are you doing?" asks the older sibling, seeing his sister in front of a huge crime wall filled with notes and red wire.

"I'm trying to solve something" replies the girl not even facing her brother.

"Do you need help?" he asks unsurely looking at his sister, connecting some photos with a piece of string. He takes a long look at her office, only to find a half empty packet of cigarettes and two coffee cups that are also empty. "I thought you quitted smoking"

"I did, I'm stressed alright? And no, I don't need help, I need answers." replies the brunette with her hands in her hair "What do you need, Raf?"

"I needed the crime wall, but it seems that you're busy, so I'm just gonna go" he replies while leaving her office.

"What do I miss?" wonders the girl while lighting another cigarette. "The Hale fire... they are all connected to the Hale fire... " whispers the girl while letting the smoke out of her chest. "But what if... what if I've been looking for the wrong evidence...?" She quickly sits up from her spot. "Hours... 11pm... 10 pm... 1 am... They all happened at night" she realizes and she automatically gets it. "This only means that...'' she wants to say but she just rushes to rip all the papers and notes, only to throw them to the bin. "Derek, call me, I know who it is" she says in her phone getting her keys off her desk. 'How could I have not seen it?' she asks herself as she starts the engine of her car. "Derek, pick up the fucking phone! Fucking idiot!" I yell while slamming my hands on the steering wheel.

<30 minutes later>

Stiles's pov

"No, no, the thing's flat. And, no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line." whines Scott from the other side of the call and Derek rolls his eyes. 'He really is a sourwolf, I don't get how Astrid can stay with him'.

"Where the hell is Bilinski?" I hear Coach yelling at Scott, and his breath gets cut off a little, meaning that he Scared him.

"Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start." she says and I just close my eyes. 'I'm well aware of that'

"I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him - tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? All right, thanks." I say and I just end the call with a sigh.

"You're not gonna make it." says the sourwolf next to me.

"I know." I replay

"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either." he says and I feel like punching him. 'How is Astrid that confident to talk back to him? Like she's not scared of him at all? All I have to do is look at him and I already know that I'm gonna be the one getting punched'

"Not till we find out the truth."

<Few minutes later>

'Where the hell- Oh God no!' I curse at myself as I see Stiles's jeep in front of the hospital. 'He should be at the game, why here?!' I park and I run inside the hospital when the smell of blood instantly reaches my nose, only to see Peter's nurse dead on the ground. I look at my surroundings and I see Derek being thrown into a wall by no one else but Peter himself. So many memories and so many nights I've begged for him to be alright, crying next to his bed. But now, things are different. I get out of my thoughts and I see Peter going towards Stiles.

Stiles's pov.

I see Derek being thrown into a wall, then the alpha comes in my direction to reach for me. I close my eyes, but nothing happens, just like the air is frozen. I slightly open my eyes to see Astrid in front of me. I look at the alpha but he is as shocked as me to see her there. But that doesn't last long. The alpha flashes his red eyes and he lets out a howl, but to my surprise, As doesn't even flinch. Instead, she looks at me and she makes me sign to go hide behind the front desk. I do as she wants, with a tint of hesitation to be fair, but I trust her. She looks back at the alpha, but I don't see much, as I feel like I'm fainting.

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