Chapter 43

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Astrid's pov

I woke up in the morning and I drove to LA to take Chaos and Grace with me since I'll be living in Beacon Hills for some time. I packed some stuff and now I'm on my way back. The dogs are with their head's out the window and I'm peacefully driving with the radio on, trying to relax a bit. It's 12 am and the boys are at school so nothing wrong can happen, right?

«One hour later»

I started unpacking the boxes and my dogs were more than happy to explore the house they lived in when they were little. I left some toys here when I left and now they were fighting over them growling at each other.

"Hey!" I yell and they both stop. "Share" I say and I throw Chaos a teddy bear, Grace a stuffed snake and they happily accept them.

I continue unpacking when I hear my doorbell. "Jem, hey, what's wrong?" I say when I see her pale face and the fact that she is leaning on the wall.

"The alpha" she manages to say but she falls to the ground and tries to get up herself, but she fails.

"Jemisha! Holy shit!" I say and I take her inside and I put her on my couch but then I realize that I have blood on my hand from her clothes. "Great, now my couch has blood stains"I say moody watching my grey couch turning into a dalmatian with red spots.

"Don't be so selfish and help me" she hisses and I pull off her shirt revealing some deep claw scratches all over her back.

I go into the bathroom and I take some betadine and some rubbing alcohol, a needle and some thread to sew her wounds. "Alright, this is gonna hurt" I say while putting some rubbing alcohol on her scratches causing her to growl and flash her blue eyes. "Just don't do any damage to my couch" I say and I get a scroff as an answer. I put some betadine then I begin to sew up her wounds. The wounds are so deep, that I had to to double knots to be sure that they last and that they keep the skin together. "And the last knot... and you're done" I say after 10 minutes of carefully taking care of her scratches."What do we say?" I tease her.

"Thanks" she scoffs and goes to take herself a glass of water. "He was so fucking close. I had him right in front of me." she whines just like a little kid that lost her toy.


"I was running my usual track in the woods and he found me. He followed me deeper into the woods and then he attacked me, of course I defended myself but he had more advantage because of the werewolf form. But he seemed so unbothered to fight, he knew exactly how I was going to attack. He has experience As, a lot of it actually. He must have had a pack or something, he is good, almost as good as you, he is something I've never seen before" she finished being more concerned than mad.

"I'll go and take a look, and for you, go home, you'll be fine till tomorrow, sewing the scratches helps the healing process, the alcohol cleaned the wounds so it'll be just fine. I'll dress myself then I'll go on the track that yo- What track do you run?"

"The one to the Hale house" she says going towards the door "Be careful As"

"Always" I say and she leaves. I take some grey sports pants and a black sports bra. I take my throwing knives and I put them around the ankle, then I cover them with the pants. I take my keys, my phone and a hoodie, now I'm good to go. I start running and after almost 5 minutes I'm at the forest entrance. I take the running path to the Hale house. Nothing unusual happens but then I hear someone's voice, actually two voices. Who other could it be than Scott and Stiles?

"No, I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler" says Scott and I can't believe my ears. He saw the dear, the body, he was there, at Laura's body before me. Does that mean that he also saw the alpha?

"Maybe the killer moved the body" adds Stiles with a sarcastic tone and I feel from his voice that a grin appeared on his face.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks" responds Scott but shortly after I hear tapping then I acknowledge his presence... Derek.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property" spits the man I once knew as a boy.

"Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." tries Stiles to excuse themselves

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but... Uh, forget it" adds Scott and shortly after it seems like he catches something. I hear the leaves and I now know that Derek left. Stiles and Scott continue talking but I don't really care. I take a short path, making sure that Stiles and Scott won't see me and I make my way to the Hale house, or what's left of it. I take a deep breath and I enter the house. I know he's here. I walk down the hallway, going into the living room, looking with such hurt at the claw marks in the wood. It all comes back, the screams, the burnt flesh, all the of it. I switch out of it and I enter the kitchen.

"I thought I told you kids to leave" I hear him saying and he comes into the doorway "This is private prop..." he begins to say but he falls silent and I turn around to face him. His eyes show so many feelings but his face is stoned.

"Hi Derek"

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